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Growing herbs indoors

I thought I would give the HydroGarden a go over winter. It's a small all-in-one hydroponic growing kit with a built in lamp.


I popped basil seeds into one container and corriander into the other a couple of weeks ago and they are just starting to sprout. 


It's all very easy to set up and use.


But one improvement in the kit I would like to see is that it has a built in timer for shutting off each night but you still have to remember to turn it on each morning. I would have liked fully automatic operation, particularly for when you go away. I've already forgotten to put it on a couple of times. 










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Community Manager

Re: Growing herbs indoors

Thanks for sharing @Isobel.


@bergs - This might be a way to get your chilli plants going well before the spring. 




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Amassing an Audience

Re: Growing herbs indoors

Progress shot. Corriander going well but not much growth yet from the basil.






Becoming a Leader

Re: Growing herbs indoors

Hi, great results @Isobel

@JasonI have purchased two propagating boxes from Bunnings and a heat mat from Vasili's Garden Centre and I'm getting ready to sow some of my Spring seeds including Chillies. 

I have my garlic growing along with my broad beans, mint and there is plenty of self sown parsley coming up, but

I haven't done much in the garden lately because of the weather.

I seem to be feeling it more as I age:shocked:

Cheers @bergs :bigsmile:

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Just Starting Out

Re: Growing herbs indoors

I thought this was a vintage telephone at first glance lol... but such a great way to grow herbs! Excellent idea!! 😉😀👌🧚‍♀️

Re: Growing herbs indoors

Thanks for joining in the discussion @rivaalexandra and a big welcome to the Workshop community. We are looking forward to reading about your own projects and plans. Please post whenever you need a hand or have something to share.




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Amassing an Audience

Re: Growing herbs indoors

I think I am giving up on the basil. Corriander still going well though!


Plenty of coriander - almost ready for picking. Plenty of coriander - almost ready for picking.No pesto for me anytime soon. No pesto for me anytime soon.

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