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Get the Kids Involved 😁

Hi Community Members.



I just wanted to share a picture that for some a reaction of "yeah a kid painting" would be understandable.


But let me explain. This picture below is of my four year old son. Obviously he loves to paint😁


He also loves to split kindling, swing a hammer, concrete, spray paint, use a reticulating saw and many other things.


Now it's all under my supervision and he always where's the correct PPE gear.


He is never in danger.


Now I am in the construction industry and alot of the times it would be much easier and quicker to do it myself, but getting the kids involved boosts their confidence, teaches them many life skills and draws your bond with your child even closer.


Everytime I sit in our lounge and look at our click system flooring I smile because I know my 14 year old daughter laid and cut 27m2 of it all by herself. That's a project we did together but she has bragging rights🀣🀣


If you have a project this weekend and it's safe why not get the kids involved, the grandkids and pass on some valuable life skills and most of all smile and have funIMG_20190623_102431.jpg


Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Get the Kids Involved 😁

Love it @gippslandhome! And I love having my girls get involved in my work too. Whether they're painting, hammering or just carrying things around for me, not only are they learning some skills, but they're learning good values and character. They learn to appreciate things more, and myself more, knowing that I work hard for the family. These are the sorts of family values and strong work ethic and independence I aim to instil in them - especially as girls.


Plus they're super cute in their high vis and these great little Bunnings tees (this is from 3 years ago)


Handy and helpful
Instagram @at.home.rosehill @kayudesignco @aspirebamboo

Re: Get the Kids Involved 😁

Little gems @ProjectPete 


Congratulations to you for your hard work and it sounds like  they are already becoming little tradies. 


Great example. πŸ‘πŸ˜


Regards Rob

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