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Best seal to stop rain under front door

Community Newcomer

Best seal to stop rain under front door

Hi all,


We were wondering what the best seal to stop rain water coming through our front door (predominately under the door)?


There's a small gap that's wider towards the hinge.






Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Best seal to stop rain under front door

Hi @jason63,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community and thank you for your question.


Assuming your door is no wider than 920mm, I'd suggest using this Raven RP3 Door Seal, which is designed to seal inward-opening doors.


Check out the video on the product page to see it in action.


Let me know what you think.




Community Newcomer

Re: Best seal to stop rain under front door

Hi Jacob. Thanks for the reply! Is this the door stop that's already currently installed: 


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Best seal to stop rain under front door

Hi @jason63,


It looks like it is.


Are you missing the small, angled block on the frame that makes it kick downward when the door is closed?


If so, then our Spare Parts team can help you out with ordering a replacement.


Let me know what you think.




Community Newcomer

Re: Best seal to stop rain under front door

Yep, looks like I'm missing the cam that pushes it down. It also does look like it runs a bit short both sides.


I'll get in touch with spare parts, thanks!

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