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Backroom renovations well underway
Well, this is what has been keeping me from my great passion, fishing but we must keep the homestead safe and secure and the wife happy. So, we bought this place 8 months ago all ready to retire and sit back. But no, first heavy rain and the roof on the backroom leaked and got worse as the night progressed. The next day I investigated the roof inside and out and found several contributing factors that lead to the roof failing to do its job, keeping out the weather.
The main reason for the failing of the roof was poor workmanship and second bad choice of materials, as I continued to look at the roof and try to figure out the best way to fix the problem it soon became evident the only way to do it properly was to make some major changes in the construction of the supporting brick work and reroof the entire room, sounds drastic but definitely the easiest way to go.
As you will see in the photos a description of each step and future photos as this renovation comes along, I hope my ideas and way I have tackled this problem helps others, yes it's a big job for one person but it can be done. My advise to anyone doing this sort of reno don't cut corners seek advise as I did and have a go yourself if you feel confident, we stand to save $10,000 by doing it myself but the trade off is it will take me a lot longer than if I contracted a company to do it for me, I am lucky in that I have no children at home and I can still secure the main house when we go out. I'll keep you all posted on my progress and feel free to ask me any questions, I am not a builder just D.I.Y. and a little common sense. Thanks for reading.
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Re: Backroom renovations well underway
@Rusty-SawThanks for the additional information and clarification
but no-body knows that until it's highlighted after questions are asked?
Open Pergolas may not require compliance with NCC & Australian Standards
But as soon as it is Brickwork & Window enclosed it's is no longer a pergola it becomes part of the main building.The shed people aren't experts on Class 1 Buildings
That is why the Battlers & Punters (B&P) need to talk to the Council Building Surveyors and get the appropriate advice & approvals if required before they commence.
BTW Old buildings being renovated need to conform to the new Codes & Standards
Free Resources
Wind & Storm Hold Down Advice on Workshop
OT, Engineers & Building Certifiers are taking a harder line on NON-Compliance & Safety
I see hundreds of photos every week, Blogs , Forums, PMs, Emails,Text messages, Builders & Client site inspections,etc,etc.
I get asked to look at one thing, it would be remiss of me if I failed in my duty of care not to look at everything. BTW I rarely comment on Non Structural elements, ie Painting , Tiling, Finishes,etc, unless B & P are being ripped
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Re: Backroom renovations well underway
Hi BIM, thank you for your valuable input into my project all comments are welcomed and noted, I guess that is what this site is all about, the sharing of knowledge and guidance for those like myself who choose to undertake such projects.
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Re: Backroom renovations well underway
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Re: Backroom renovations well underway
How is your work progressing @Rusty-Saw? Looking forward to the next update when you are able to post.
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Re: Backroom renovations well underway
Here is where I am at right now, progress is a little slow but I want to get it right the first time and not have to come back and redo something, so far so good, everything is working out to plan. I now have a decent fall on the new roof and it is very strong and sturdy we have already had a couple of gale force windy days and not even a squeak let alone a rattle from the new roof unlike the old one. You can see in the pictures the new roof is much sturdier and will support me without any movement at all, the older one I dare not set foot upon it even with spreader boards. The main beams are anchored with 2x12mmx150mm chemset into the brickwork, unlike the old one which was 1x8mm booker bar cemented into the brickwork. I found the gutter attatched to the house facsia was siliconed and with a tek screw every metre and a half, yes the first section was hard to remove but the next section virtually fell off so something was starting to fail. I do have one leak but that is to be fixed at the first opportunity I have and did think it might leak in that spot, but I want to get the roof complete and will then fix it.
I know I have posted this first picture before but it is a comparison of the old roof and the new, as you can see there is very little support only what is designed into the sheet roof itself. The second shows the new roof and support it now has and the end window has been removed and bricked up ready for the new split system. In the third picture you can now clearly see the improvement on the fall of the roof.
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Re: Backroom renovations well underway
Great to see the progress and that everything is going to plan @Rusty-Saw. Thanks for the update.
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Re: Backroom renovations well underway
Our condolences on the passing of your Mum @Rusty-Saw on behalf of all the Workshop community. I'm sure it has been a difficult time and our thoughts are with you.
Please let us know if you need anything.
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Re: Backroom renovations well underway
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Re: Backroom renovations well underway

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