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Any suggestions for a hot water system?

Growing in Experience

Any suggestions for a hot water system?



First of all thanks to this community in providing valuable feedback and suggestion.

I need suggestion for below issue

I am having chromogen gas hot water system installed at my house.

I moved to the house last year and guess hot water system may be 10 years old.

Was facing interrupted supply of hot water and got a technician from chromogen to inspect the hot water system.

He told me below

1)Tank is not connected to solar or water pipe so its dummy. I asked him to connect it but he didn't do it.

2)Gas Unit(eternity G20) needs a replacement and he is not sure how long that will work. Cost of replacement is 1080$


Now my question, should i replace the entire hot water system or just that eternity G20 box.

Please suggest me brand name and model for either case i.e. complete system or just gas unit. Thanks

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Community Megastar

Re: Any suggestions for a hot water system?

Good afternoon @Abhi352 

I looked at this earlier and have been thinking about it. I have the same type of questions for my own hot water system. 

Mine is like the "dummy" disconnected one you have.

I have up to recently been thinking of having an instantanious system like the one you have on the wall installed. I am questioning that now as the goverement is suggesting that gas will be phased out over the next 8 years or so. As we phase back from high carbon producing materials.


I think it will come down to a personal preference and availability of the sytems for what we install. Even replacing my 120L tank with similar would chew up less electricity then the old one. A heat pump style tank is another option that I am considering. But also that tioes in with should I consider solar panels so as to heat the water in the day and get the best bang for my buck type deal. Still undecided until my tank stops I suppose. 


Short term maybe the instantaneous replacement is a good idea, enviromentaly maybe not so? Id still be tempted to replace it with the same especially if you like the way it works.





Growing in Experience

Re: Any suggestions for a hot water system?

Thank you so much Dave. I will wait for some time and may go for replacement of that instant gas system. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Any suggestions for a hot water system?

Hello @Abhi352 


Thanks for sharing your question about replacing your hot water system. Since you already have natural gas piped into your property, I suggest having a look at the Rheem 26L 50° Natural Gas Continuous Flow Hot Water Unit. This provides 26L of hot water per minute and is suitable for a maximum of three bathrooms. So even if you are using the hot water in the kitchen or laundry the unit will still be powerful enough to provide hot water to the shower.


I know it's tempting to get the smaller units, but it is more cost effective to invest in the heater that will provide you with the best possible performance. I also suggest asking if your store provides a gas hot water heater installation service. This will save you from having to look for an installer.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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Growing in Experience

Re: Any suggestions for a hot water system?

Thanks Eric

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