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Any D.I.Y. hacks to make hosting parties easier?

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Any D.I.Y. hacks to make hosting parties easier?

Festive aka party season is upon us! I'm sure many of us are gearing up to host celebrations with friends and family. 


I'm curious to know - what's your favourite D.I.Y. trick for making hosting a breeze? Feel free to share any quick decor hack, a brilliant party-planning tip or any D.I.Y. projects that can help take the stress out of entertaining. 


One of my favourites is this D.I.Y. Lazy Susan by Workshop member @daniknight4 - puts a fresh and stylish spin on serving food effortlessly during parties. 


Keen to hear more ideas from our creative community members. Tagging @sammilne@EleventhCoastal@JoeAzza and @lifestylebymari to begin the discussion. 




DIY lazy susan.png




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