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How to repair lifted driveway by tree roots?

Finding My Feet

How to repair lifted driveway by tree roots?

Hi guys, 

       I just recently moved into a place and noticed the the tree roots lifted the whole driveway(approximately 10cm) now that it's impossible to drive up. I got a quote and it's over our budget, wondering if there are any alternative options other than cut the whole thing, remove the tree roots and repatch it?I have attached some photos for your reference




  any suggestions/advices would be much appreciated, just want to be able to drive up the driveway,Thanks for your time !

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: tree roots lifted driveway

Hello @jacks 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about your driveway.


I propose cutting your driveway into six sections so that you can lift them out of the way to get access to the root of the tree. It will be very involved, and you'll need help to lift the slabs out of the way. It might be worth engaging the services of a concrete cutting specialist to do the cutting for you. Once you have the concrete pieces out of the way, I suggest speaking to an arborist on the best way to remove the root and preventing it from regrowing back into the same spot. 


Once the root has been removed, I suggest putting in a new layer of road base and levelling the area flat. You can then put the driveway pieces back in like a jigsaw puzzle and using high strength mortar to keep them together. This will save you having to repour your driveway.


Let me call on our experienced members @Dave-1 and @Nailbag for their recommendations.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Community Megastar

Re: tree roots lifted driveway

Good Evening @jacks 

Thats an impressive root that has managed to lift it thyat far evenely! :laugh: Sucks yes but cudos to the tree.


I like @EricL's suggestion a fair bit, tho not sure how well the pieces will go back in. Id cut them smaller to make them more managable tho.


My only concern is getting a smooth surface for the footpath afterwards, save hassels talking to the council type deal.


My suggestion is to pull up the concrete and then talk to an arborist to see if the root/s will kill the tree if removed. If you can remove them great :smile: I would then actually suggest a thicker layer of road base packed via a machine and closely fitted pavers. This will allow any movement without worrying about the concrete lifting again.


Another option I saw on gardening Aus is a square grill re-enforced firbreglas mesh that has an air gap underneath for tree roots to expand or grow down into the earth more so as they wont grow above the soil. I just went looking for it but couldnt find the material. Costa did a piece about it at Wingdang Lake Illawarra. The mesh looks solid enough to carry a car btw.



Kind of a Big Deal

Re: tree roots lifted driveway

Hi @jacks 


Unfortunately as long as the tree is growing, the roots will be an ongoing issue. Though the section from the start of the footpath to the gutter is within the councils natures tip its your responsibility of ownership. If the tree is on council land/nature strip then you have a case for them to make good the damage.


I have two possible solutions.

1. Install a steel ramp at the high-point thats fastened to the concrete.

2. Remove the lower section of the cross-over and tree-roots, and reinstate that section only which will require a council permit and a fee. I know you said it wasn't within budge but you may not have considered this option.


@EricL solution is a great option as is @Dave-1  but both also require a council permit and small fee



Finding My Feet

Re: tree roots lifted driveway

Hi @EricL @Dave-1 @Nailbag ,


        Thanks for all the suggestions ! Seems like there are no shortcuts,I'll have to get a professional concreter to sort this out,have to tackle the tree roots in order to fix this, much appreciated for all your professional advices ! Will update more photos as this progress.cheers




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