Hey gals and guys im wanting to make my 2 year old boy a cubby house and have some 3d designs drawn up but i dont know what to make it from.
Many thanks for joining in the discussion and sharing your advice @Handy_John. Let me also extend a very warm welcome to Workshop. It's fantastic to have you join the community. It looks like you've got some great knowledge and experience to share. I hope you also find the site to offer plenty of good ideas, inspiration and tips for your projects, too. Looking forward to seeing more of your posts soon.
@DIY_Dad - I love your tip about checking for straight lengths of timber. We will be doing the "floor" test next time we buy some timber.
Anyone building a new cubby for the kids this Christmas?
Check out the "designer" cubbies that are now being sold!
These are from Castle and Cubby. See http://www.domain.com.au/news/are-cubby-houses-the-new-status-symbol-20161114-gsoqum/
I love this one
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