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How to remove a bolt screwed into timber too far?

Finding My Feet

How to remove a bolt screwed into timber too far?

I screwed a bolt a bit too far in the timber and I can’t grip it I want to chip into the wood around the bolt so I can get the bolt out what tool would be best and fast to get the job done? 

Home Improvement Guru

Re: chipping

G'day @Johno1990 


Got a photo to share? If it's a bolt head - why won't your socket grab it?

Otherwise an unloved chisel may help.


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: chipping

Hi @Johno1990,


Thank you for your question.


As @Noyade has mentioned, a photo would certainly help, but it certainly sounds like a job for a hammer and a chisel.


If you need a hand uploading images or you don't think this approach will work, please let me know so I can assist further.




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