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How to build a BBQ workbench?

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How to build a BBQ workbench?

Is there a plan for the bbq work bench materials and procedure to construct?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: bbq workbench plans

Hello @Dhilt 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about BBQ workbench plans.


I suggest having a quick look at these top ideas - Barbecue stands and bench ideas. These BBQ set-ups should give you ideas on how you can set up your own BBQ workbench. 


Every BBQ set-up is unique, but there are fixed sized cabinets from AlfrescoPlus. But if you wish to build your own from timber, would it be possible for you to tell us the space available to you? Our members will then be able to assess the area. We can then make recommendations on cabinet and benchtop configurations. 


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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Community Manager

Re: bbq workbench plans

Hi @Dhilt,


Let me also extend a very warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community.


Could you please tell us whether you were referring to this specific project? - Barbecue workbench by @DesRigby    


Many thanks,




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Getting Established

Re: bbq workbench plans

Jason I was looking at the bbq workbench in the photo. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: bbq workbench plans

Hello @Dhilt 


If you were looking at the Barbecue workbench by @DesRigby. Below are the parts you'll need to assemble it:



There are a number of hook and shelf accessories available, I suggest visiting the store and see which ones you like. It is possible to modify the workbench and add an extra shelf below, but I'll leave that decision up to you.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.  




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Getting Established

Re: bbq workbench plans

Thank you Eric. I look forward to putting it together. Is there a plan re putting it together?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: bbq workbench plans

Hi @Dhilt,


The products @EricL has linked to all come with their assembly instructions; it's just a matter of constructing them per the instructions and setting the level of the bench as required.




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Community Megastar

Re: How to build a BBQ workbench?

Good Morning @Dhilt 

I am not sure of what type of Bench you may want but thought you may like the one i built in January this year.

Outside bench 

I have seen a few different types and depends on what type of BBQ you may want to sit on the bench. In the project I have drawings for what I wanted but pretty much they came to me as I sketched out my idea for the area I wanted it in. If you show us the general area where you want a bench I am sure some of us would come up with a few ideas :smile:




Getting Established

Re: bbq workbench plans

Eric thanks for the bbq work bench. So that I can have everything in place when I put it together can you give a size for the wood bench top?



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: bbq workbench plans

Hi @Dhilt,


Using the parts that my colleague @EricL described, the shelf you will need is 900mm wide by 600mm deep.


Let me know if you have further questions.




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