Finding My Feet

Worn grass path

My Sir Walter grass path becomes worn to bare earth in wet winter weather.  How can I protect it?

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Bunnings Team Member

Re: Worn grass path

Hello @JulieL


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. Thank you so much for joining us and sharing your question about your Sir Walter turf getting worn out.


Is the path regularly used from the front gate to the house? If you notice that this is the most common path that everyone in the family uses you have 2 choices. The first choice is to line the path with pavers to make it an official path. Everyone is using it and that's why it gets worn down. The second choice is to create a totally new path with pavers away from the old path. You can start training everyone to use that path instead of wearing down your beautiful Sir Walter Turf.    


However, as we all know humans always prefer to take the shortest distance between two points. You may have to be extra vigilant to make sure everyone is using the new path and not walking on the turf. Having a path is necessary at least with a paved pathway the rest of the turf will not get worn down.


Let me tag our experienced members @Adam_W and @lifestylebymari for their recommendations.


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Julies Path1.jpg


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Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Worn grass path

Hi @JulieL,


We had a similar problem at our house and used bluestone rounds to create a path. Very easy and we think it looks great. Compared to the photo below, the grass has since grown to the edges of the rounds so they look like they were always there. 




Bluestone pavers.png  

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Re: Worn grass path

Thank you for this and the photo.  It looks so good.  This is probably my best option.  Trouble is, I am a widow and too old to lay pavers myself and finding any sort of handy person to do this these days is just about impossible. The  grass actually  is fine in summer when it’s growing.  But when we get wet weather in winter, and the grass gets trodden down  it wears away to mud and of course the grass doesn’t grow back at that time,  so was also looking at maybe putting down some sort of protective matting or runner. 


Re: Worn grass path

Thank you Eric.  And the reply from Jason was very helpful.  But, if you can see my reply here, to him, you’ll note that laying a paved path is a problem for me.  Nobody to do it. Also, the grass path has a fence on one side and a wall on the other ( which is part of the problem;  not much sun in winter. So making an alternate path is not an option here.  I really need something to protect the grass in winter, from my feet (I live alone so nobody else uses it) when it isn’t growing and can’t recover.  In summer it’s fine.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Worn grass path

Hi again @JulieL,


I would recommend you try a site like Hipages or Airtasker to find a tradesperson who could assist you. We just used paving sand for the base of the bluestone rounds as they are big and heavy and not going to move. So it is a relatively quick and simple job. 




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Re: Worn grass path

Thanks so much for your help with this,



Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Worn grass path

Hi @JulieL,


Just wondering if you've made any progress or need a hand?


I took this shot today of how the bluestone rounds look now.





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