Finding My Feet

What is making holes in my lawn?

Wondering if anyone can tell me what could be making  this hole in my lawn. It is about 50-60 cm deep. And about 10cm across. There hasn’t been any mound of dirt on the surface. It has appeared in the last two weeks. 





Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: What is making holes in my lawn

Hi @burnsie2,


Welcome to the Workshop community. It's great to have you join us. 


Your hole looks very similar to what Workshop member @Prof described in this popular discussion - Mystery holes in lawn


Where are you based? Could you be lucky enough to have an echidna in your garden?




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Re: What is making holes in my lawn

Thankyou. I have seen an echidna in the garden. Would they make a hole that deep. It’s at least 60cm deep. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: What is making holes in my lawn

Hi @burnsie2.


I don't believe an echidna would dig a hole 60cm deep that is quite as narrow as the one pictured. Unless it becomes an issue with multiple holes then I would just ignore it or fill it in. We have a variety of native insects and animals that could cause such a hole and unless you actually see them it may always remain a mystery.




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Re: What is making holes in my lawn

I don't think an Echidna would dig that deep and since you mentioned that there was no dirt around the hole..I don't think an animal or an insect dug it.!!

It may well be like a mini sink hole !

I would keep a close eye on it in case it starts to get bigger..

Growing in Experience

Re: What is making holes in my lawn

Hi @burnsie2 ,My first suspicion would be voles, they're a small rodent like a mouse, they often burrow down to escape winter frosts and they will also eat the roots of your plants and grass.and unlike moles, they don't leave a pile of dirt at the entrance. 

You can find a few ways to get rid of them on Google.

Hope this helps,all the best!


Re: What is making holes in my lawn

Thankyou. Hopefully not a sinkhole!

Re: What is making holes in my lawn

Thankyou. Never heard of voles in Australia. The hole is now 100cm deep. 

Re: What is making holes in my lawn

Hey @burnsie2  @alwayslearning  is right.


Voles in Australia are meadow mice or field mice. They are different than the normal run of the mill mice.



good luck getting that sorted.

Re: What is making holes in my lawn

Hello @burnsie2 


I've asked my boys here at home and they unanimously voted that this is the likely culprit.




Kidding aside, is there very fine soil next to the hole? This would indicate earthworm activity. Is there a tree close by with a heavy nesting of birds in the evening? They could be feasting in the early mornings in your garden for worms. Possums? field mice? I suggest an experiment, fill the holes back with soil and the following day if the soil gets pushed back up then the culprits are still in there. Set your alarm to an early start and slowly peak in to your garden to see what is walking in it so early. You can also do a midnight surprise sneak n peek with a flash light. ( you might be pleasantly surprised at what comes out at night in your garden )  If none of these suggestions work see if you can record your garden at night with a time delayed camera. You could always set a trap that captures ( humane ) not kill the garden perpetrator. I hope you solve this mystery!




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