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Weathered outdoor furniture revived



Step 1




Firstly I needed to sand back the timber to see what was underneath. Using my orbital sander, I used three grits, starting with 100, then 180 followed by 240. This gave the timber a beautiful smooth finish. 

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Step 2




Half way through. 
I also hand sanded the hard to reach areas. 

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Step 3




I then needed to apply a furniture oil to nourish and protect the timber. 
I opted for clear so that the natural timber tones can be seen. 

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Step 4




I applied two coats of oil using a brush. As you can see it looks very dark while wet but once dry, it should be a more natural in colour. 

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Step 5




This is 24 hours after I applied the oil and I couldn’t be happier with the result. 
the beautiful red tones of the timber is shining through. The chair looks like new again and is protected from the elements. 
I plan on reapplying on a yearly basis so I won’t need to do all that sanding again. 



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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to revive weathered timber furniture.

Wonderful work @kimamery! You've certainly given those chairs a new lease on life.


It looks like you caught them at the right time, as any more weathering and the joints would have likely begun to degrade. 


Many thanks for showing us your method for restoration and finished results. Well done.




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Getting Established

Re: Weathered outdoor furniture revived

I also have a chair that needs to be refinished like this. You've inspired me!

Community Megastar

Re: Weathered outdoor furniture revived

Good Morning @kimamery 

I am surprised that the seat came back so nicely :smile: You have put a lot of effort into restoring it. Worth it for sure! I have been ummm and ahhhing over should I sandback and outside table and bench seats I am building as it has that grey timber look. I think you may have pushed me to sand it and see :smile:


Nice work.



Re: Weathered outdoor furniture revived

Hi Dave, 

Thank you, I’ve worked on outdoor furniture before and this was by far the most far gone! I was surprised how well it came up too 🤣

Re: How to revive weathered timber furniture.

Thanks Mitchell, 

Yes they were definitely caught in time. They are still pretty sturdy so will hopefully last a few years if I continue to look after them! ☺️

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