Making a Splash

Verandah rebuild





A few years ago i decided to build in one end of the veranda,i had acquired some free old aluminium windows and some builders 4x2 rejects and i was a beginner at this diy “disease”and had limited funds.because the aluminium frames on the windows were pretty crap i decided to just dismantle them and use the glass,which i set in new wooden frames that i made. So once the windows were made i could the  workout how to make the whole project work and at a low budget,so i used pine,cheap and easy to work with and it did the job. But over time , the weather has taken a bit of a toll on the exterior and we felt like a bit of a change so I recently did a rebuild . This time instead of pine i have used merbeau decking boards in place of the pine, and plainted instead of oiled ,except for the decking boards which will be oil.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Rebuild

Well done @kel, many thanks for sharing.



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