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Sagging front gate

Community Newcomer

Sagging front gate

Hi, my front gate (pictured) is sagging and won't close properly. What can I do to unsag it?




Community Megastar

Re: Sagging front gate

Good Afternoon @PhillipLaw 

Welcome to the Community :smile: I have seen a bunch of gate questions pass through these pages, well worth a wander tho guarenteed you will end up distracted :smile:


The frame of your gate is metal so the gate itself is unlikely to have sagged, the hinges appear solid... Last two things left are the posts. I wonder if one or both have moved a little out of true vertical? Gate posts do shift with time 😕 


Easy fix tho would be to undo the latch on the post itself (on the left of the first pic) and refix it so it lines up again. I would keep an eye on the posts to see if they move more so over the next few months (nothing stressy but more informative for you)



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Sagging front gate

Hi @PhillipLaw,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is fantastic to have you with us.


Unless the timber you have used is incredibly heavy, there is not enough weight on this gate to cause a metal frame to bend or sag. The hinges are also fairly heavy-duty, so I'd be surprised if there was any issue there.


My thinking is much the same as @Dave-1's in that I don't think the hinges or the gate frame are the cause of the issue; it is more likely that the posts are loose.


If you shake the posts, is there any movement at all?


If they are, then digging out the footing and reinforcing it with additional concrete is likely the best solution long term.


I noticed that there are two timbers attached to each other where I have indicated below.



Could you possibly remove one of these timbers or plane it back to give the gate more room?


Let me know what you think.




Community Newcomer

Re: Sagging front gate

Thank you Dave and Jacob, I really appreciate your eyes on this. I will have a look and see what I can do to reinforce it.



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