Just Starting Out

Paint for a concrete block wall?

Hi, Can I have suggestions on what is the best paint to use on a rendered concrete wall.

Thanks in advance

cheers AM

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Paint for a concrete block wall?

I'm no paint expert @ammo but I've done a lot of it over the years on all different substrates, including exterior rendered walls. I'm a fan of Dulux - never had an issue. In this case, prime/seal first (if not done already) then apply 3 coats of Dulux Weathershield.

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Re: Paint for a concrete block wall?

Hi @ammo,


I'd agree with @ProjectPete that Dulux Weathershield is perfect for your project. It's tough, hard-wearing and helps resist mould, dirt and stains.


If you are looking for excellent even coverage, then you might like to consider one of our budget-friendly sprayers options. They'll make the job a breeze. You should find this step-by-step guide helpful: How To Paint Your House's Exterior.


Please let us know if you need further help or had questions.






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