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What outdoor clothesline to install?

Finding My Feet

What outdoor clothesline to install?

Hi There. 


I'm wanting to install an outdoor clothesline but just after some recommendations in term of what space we have to work with. The biggest load would be a king size doona set. Do you have any recommendations on a product within these measurements below.



Redline (2.60M) represents end of brick wall to first tap.

Blueline(2.10M) represents after drain pipe to first tap.


Height is (2.60M)


Clothesline measurements..jpg


Thank you

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Outdoor clothesline.

Hi @dgialanze 


A very good  clothes line i  own for 20 years now and still going is as mentioned below.


It will need to mount inside the Down  pipe and the width  extends 2.2M back over the taps by 100mm given your detailed  measurement thanks.

The upper mounting bracket wont interfere  with your taps  and you can put washing down the other end so tap access unimpeeded.


Hills  brand is  very good reliable.  Comes in Gray and wood land grey.


It has two raisable sections  so it isnt  in your way if you are playing foot ball etc in the backyard.


Drain heavey water logged doonas off  first as they can be heavy at first. At @.2 meters the doona  should fit ok  I might hang it on the bar not the actual  clothes line as an option.


Hills 26m Woodland Grey Double Folding Clothesline  I/N: 0170056  $240






Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: What outdoor clothesline to install?

Hi @dgialanze,


Thank you for your question.


The Hills 26m Woodland Grey Double Folding Clothesline that @Jewelleryrescue is the exact clothesline I would suggest, but it will extend just past the tap. As there are two sections of line that fold separately, it gives you some good options.


As Jewelleryrescue has said, a king-sized doona that is sodden will weigh a fair bit, so wringing it out prior to hanging is a good idea. I'd also suggest hanging it on the lines closest to the wall.


Let me know if you have any further questions.




Re: Outdoor clothesline.

Hi @Jewelleryrescue & @JacobZ ,


Thank you for the help! 


would you know the measurements of the clothesline when folded down from the mounting bracket? My concern that it wont fold down completelty due to the tap being where it is?


 Thank you!

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Outdoor clothesline.

Hi @dgialanze,


The frame extends 1300mm from the wall, so it's pretty safe to assume when folded down it will extend down from the brackets by around 1300mm.


Let me know what you think.




Re: Outdoor clothesline.

Hi @dgialanze 


I think I know what you are saying re the tap might be in the way when with the right side frame  hindering tap access when it is folded down.


I would move the clothesline over to the right some more it give the tap some  clearance room.

Basically, the clothesline when down will have the tap inside the frame, Moving it to the right a bit will give you easier clearance to use the tap.

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