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We fixed 2 broken fences around our backyard after rough weather damage in Gisborne which inspired us to put up a new fence in the front then a gate and create a mail dropbox for parcels
We viewed youtube vids and used our sons makita tools he left with us before he relocated to Aussie keeping the cost just for materials and worked on the project every weekend for about 2 months
Corrugated iron, wood, karaka paint, cement, hinges latches, an old bbq handle, latches, screws and 4 handles, bolts, wheels x2, nails
Makita tools, nail gun, drill, table saw, grinder, paint brush, clamps, level, chalk string
dig holes put in posts and set in concrete
paint all 3x karaka paint
Finished fence
Constructing gate
corrugated iron up
gate complete
constructing mail dropbox
mail dropbox set up before cementing base
inside of mail dropbox before putting in cushions for parcel drop
our self made mail dropbox!
My partner designed a triangle piece to point to the latch that opens the dropbox and we took the handle off an old bbq to use to pull
Hi @Lorraine28,
The fence looks fantastic and that gate is one of the sturdiest looking gates I think I've ever seen.
I love the idea behind your parcel drop box and the execution is fantastic. The corrugated iron also looks fantastic alongside your choice of paint.
You and your partner should be very proud of what you have accomplished here. This is some fantastic work.
Thank you for sharing your project.
Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects
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