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Need ideas for small outdoor living area

Finding My Feet

Need ideas for small outdoor living area



I hope I'm posting this in the correct part of the forum. I have the below outdoor space which is roughly 3.6m by 5.6m that I'm looking to spruce up for outdoor living and entertaining purposes. Photos attached for reference








I'm planning to:


- Remove the petostroums on the left hand side garden bed 

- Move the garden edging to a straight line to the fence on the left once removing the petostroums

- Paint fence black 


I'd like to somehow both incorporate a floating deck as well as the the seat in this project


But not sure if it's realistic to have both? As there would be a step down to the seating along the fence line from the decking. Not sure if I could build the seat on the deck. Or if I just need to choose one or the other 


I'm also really open to any other suggestions on what to do with this area please! 



Community Megastar

Re: Ideas For Small Outdoor Living Area

Good Evening @Calvin91 

Welcome to the Bunnings Community :smile: Ive also noticed that brilliant bench seating by @AriG 

Definently doable in your yard, Tho not sure how a floating deck could be incorporated as well. Mostly as your yard looks very level and unless its raised a bit and then it brings you closer to viewing directly into the neighbours :surprised:


However... :smile: There is always a However!

So how about this, Have that Bench seat so that right angle goes from across the concrete decorated back and down the right toward sthe back fence. 

Have a slatted Merbau privacy screen along the back fence tho not attached to it. Make it 1.8m high at least. With the garden bed to the left where you are removing the petostroums, that straight line garden bed but do it with a low metal edged garden. Maybe some other fruiting trees in the garden after you have dug out that petostroum. 


Behind the right hand side of the bench seat some posts (same height as the privacy screen) with a beam across them that goes toward the rear fence and matches up with the top right of the privacy screen. This you can string party lights along or the christmas style small lights. You effectivly will have three walls of lights and the one side that is open is to the fruiting trees with a low edge. Fire pit in the middle or maybe instead of a pit as sucj how about a longer rectangle brick edged pit. You could go with large sandstone pavers or the same but with white pebbles I can see around the corner between the pavers. 


And outside room instead of a deck "lifts hands up in a kind of a shrug" :smile: Might work for you.



Re: Ideas For Small Outdoor Living Area

Thanks Dave I love the suggestions, just trying to picture in my head is this what you're suggesting? 


I apologise for the late night MS PAINT knockup done on my phone LOL hopefully it's clear if not please let me know and please correct if I've misinterpreted anything in my picture from your suggestion 


Community Megastar

Re: Ideas For Small Outdoor Living Area

hahahahha Love it @Calvin91 

Almost what I meant but really its doable as well. :smile:

One set of beams behind the Right hand side lounge to give tha "wall" a top and for lights to hang from.

The fire pit towards the middle but longer and thinner.

maybe a couple less trees.


But really you have nailed the description :smile:

Here is the style of privacy screen I built with the deck. Thats what I wa sthinking along the fenceline at the back, including the height.

Pool deck stage 2 



Re: Ideas For Small Outdoor Living Area

Oh thanks I think I got it.. So do you mean also have posts in the ground on the right hand side of the bench? But then the left side is open so don't the beams have to run from alfresco towards fence as in my picture as the left side will be open facing garden bed? 

Community Megastar

Re: Ideas For Small Outdoor Living Area

Good Morning @Calvin91  :smile:

Yes the posts are in the ground, 3 or 4 all up straight along the back of the lounge with a top beam/rail that attaches them all together to the privacy screen. The fruit tree side is open. You could do the same on the fruit tree side but I thought it may look a little busy/cramped. I am thinking a clean straight line along the rear fence, straight up the side of the back of the bench seat and then along the back of the house (just attachment points for the light along the back of the house) To give a three sided outside room. If you want i can try and draw a pic of it later today. :smile:


Take the most right hand purple beam in your sketch, imagine the posts directly underneath it. Loose the other two left purple beams. The beam is only a cap to the posts, it dosnt go over the seating area at all. 


Or if you like what you have drawn you can go from there, tho posts will be needed at the rear of the house if thats the case :smile:




Re: Ideas For Small Outdoor Living Area

Thanks again Dave yeah a mock up drawing to help me visualise it would be really helpful when you have some time! Really appreciate your input and I think it sounds great 

Community Megastar

Re: Ideas For Small Outdoor Living Area

Morning @Calvin91 

Cool, will do. Now to remember it while I am having a coffee :smile:



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Ideas For Small Outdoor Living Area

Hi @Calvin91,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is fantastic to have you with us and see that you are planning such an exciting project.


I see that one of our communities' finest @Dave-1 has already jumped in with some ideas. Allow me to tag @Nailbag, @mich1972 and @JoeAzza to see if they have any other ideas they can add.


You might also like to check out some of the following articles for some guidance and additional inspiration -



I'm sure Dave will be back in touch shortly.




Re: Ideas For Small Outdoor Living Area

Thanks Jacob, I look forward to also hearing some suggestions from the other users you've tagged


Just regarding the Merbau screen that @Dave-1 suggested, I assume this product would do the job?


Just a couple of questions regarding this, my current fence is ~1900mm in height, so I'd want this to cover at least the current fence height but ideally up to ~2000mm in height, but the product is only ~1800mm. What can / should I use down the bottom to give the extra 200mm of height is there some Merbau panels I could somehow mount on top of for the extra 200mm?

Also, does this just attach straight onto my existing backyard fence or should I put a few posts into the ground and mount onto posts?

Thanks again everyone :smile:

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