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Low profile deck on concrete

I have to do decking at my backyard

width3.3 by length 4.7 high 110mm maximum please give me ideas what size treated pine I can use for framing and do I need wall plug which wall plug screw can I use. How much would be cost all together including decking railing. Thanks 



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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Low profile deck on concrete

You'll need to anchor those beams to the wall using minimum 100mm Ramset galvanised anchors. 500mm spacing will suffice. Make sure you leave a gap between the beam and the brickwork to allow drainage. 

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Re: Low profile deck on concrete

Hi @Ammy,


Low-level decks seem to be a very popular project on the site at the moment. Great to see you get a prompt reply from Pete. 


Welcome to the community. As you can see, we have very helpful members sharing information and advice on the site every day, so feel free to post whenever you need a hand. We also have members sharing fantastic projects which should serve as great inspiration for your next project around the house and garden.




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Getting Established

Re: Low profile deck on concrete

Thanks Pete can i use wall plug for anchors n flat square washers give gap between beam and wall aprox 10 ml also how many anchors can be use for 3.3 meter. Much appreciated 

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Low profile deck on concrete

The Ramset anchors I linked you to include the wall plugs.


Washers work, they just need to be a decent size because when you tighten the timber to the brick wall, the washers get compressed into the timber and you lose the gap. You can use thin slices of H3 timber as spacers.


3.3/0.5=6.6 so you'll need 7 spaced roughly 500mm apart.


Handy and helpful
Instagram @at.home.rosehill @kayudesignco @aspirebamboo
Getting Established

Re: Low profile deck on concrete

Thanks Pete 

Workshop Legend

Re: Low profile deck on concrete

Awesome stuff from the always awesome @ProjectPete :smile:
@Ammy , couple of things you might find handy as you're going down onto such a solid surface...
The Good Times decking system can be really handy as it's modular. The legs etc. are ideal even if you're building your deck from scratch. The legs are adjustable so makes getting everything level heaps easier.
These Tuffblocks are also super useful in a situation like yours as they can be used a number of ways and provide good moisture separation between timber and slab.

Getting Established

Re: Low profile deck on concrete



Hey Pete  please give a advice if  maximum high 110 mm so that which size treated pine for frame can use 90 by 45 or 70 by 45. Also approx length of joists treated pine is 4.7 do i need something support on 4.7 m long length thanks 

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