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Low-level deck



I want to build a low level floating deck over a paved area to bring the walking surface to door sill level.

The sill height is approximately 270mm high.

The deck will be 6.3m long and 3.5 m wide.

I would like to build on adjustable footings as the paving area may not be exactly level. Other suggestions would be appreciated.

I want to use either Merbau or spotted gum decking 19mm thick

Could I get suggestions on frame timber sizes timber  and footing spacing please


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: What materials for low-level deck over paved area?

Hello @Lappa


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. Thank you for joining us and sharing your question about what material to use for a low-level deck over a paved area.



It's great that you've decided to give this project a go. I suggest reading this informative guide - How to build a low-level deck by @Adam_W. This will give you the necessary information to make a plan for your deck. If you are looking for adjustable footing, I suggest looking at Builders Edge Pedestal Foot Bigfoot Xl 70 - 170mm. The lower version is the Builders Edge Pedestal Foot Smallfoot 35 - 60mm for smaller gaps.


When using timber for decking I recommend using treated timber with a rating of H3 or higher. These types of timber are chemically treated for exterior use and will last a long time. Each state has its own regulations concerning how to build decks. I recommend checking the local council rules in your area to make sure that your build is compliant. Please keep us updated.


Here is a link for ideas and inspiration: Top 10 most popular deck projects


Here is a link to one of our featured projects: Low profile deck with screening and steps


If you need more advice or information, please let us know.




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Getting Established

Re: What materials for low-level deck over paved area?

Deck is now built



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: What materials for low-level deck over paved area?

That's terrific, @Lappa! We'll be looking forward to seeing some pictures and hearing about the methods you used in its construction.




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Getting Established

Re: What materials for low-level deck over paved area?

I used concreted in stirrups rather than resting on the paving. Three 140x45mm bearers, fifteen 90x45mm joists for the framework. 86x19 spotted gum boards with 5mm spacing. I was going to use 146x19mm boards but had feedback that they tend to cup even with XL head 12g screws.

60C19267-EC0C-490C-BDCA-FCD018D15EED.jpeg C90F8355-0B33-460E-956F-04E1365C1279.jpeg


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: What materials for low-level deck over paved area?

That looks amazing, @Lappa. The finish on those spotted gum boards is just sensational. I'm sure you are incredibly proud of your efforts as you've completed a wonderful looking deck.


Many thanks for the additional info and the images.


I can't wait to see your next project.




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