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Kids pallet wood mud kitchen


Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: KiDz Pallet MUD Kitchen

That looks fantastic @LePallet. Are the tap and wastes going to be functional? I could imagine that kids would have endless fun with that!




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Amassing an Audience

Re: KiDz Pallet MUD Kitchen

@Jason Thanks mate, the tap is functional as I have attached a fitting that connects straight onto the Garden tap and I have made the waste drain towards the back of the kitchen 

Just Starting Out

Re: Kids Pallet Mud Kitchen

Geat work! 

This can also be a great kitchen idea for a camper van!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Kids Pallet Mud Kitchen

Thanks for joining in the discussion @Anya. I'm sure @LePallet appreciates the feedback.


Let me also extend a very warm welcome to the Workshop community. We're really pleased you could join us and look forward to reading all about your projects and plans. Feel free to post whenever you need a hand or have something to share. Also, please let me know if you ever need help getting the most from the site or have any feedback about how we can improve Workshop so it's even more useful to you.


Thanks again,




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Amassing an Audience

Re: Kids pallet wood mud kitchen

@Anya Absolutely, I modern rustic caravan kitchen would be amazing 

Finding My Feet

Re: Kids pallet wood mud kitchen

This is so awesome! 😀


Finding My Feet

Re: Kids pallet wood mud kitchen


kids pallet wood mud kitchen - 

Would like to know if u have / could send me the plans on how to make it,please 😀


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