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Hi there, I'm currently looking to re stain our deck.
I do not know the Timber that's been used nor the previous stain the previous owners used. Over the years, no further maintenance was done and one side of the deck is weathered due to the sun and has lost it's colour.
So far, I've done two rounds of cleaning using the Cabot's Deck Cleaner and have managed to take some colour off but it's looking very patchy and some colour still remains. I'm trying out the Cabots Deck Sander pads but it's going to use a whole lot of sanding and it's going to be very time consuming. It's also not enough to take the colour out.
Next, I'll be trying the Intergrain Timber Stripper but just want to be certain on how to use it. It says nothing about adding water, just to put onto the deck so I'm assuming I'll put it in say a paint tray, rub onto a broom and then scrub in? Am I alright to hose it off or do I need a paint scrapper? Also would like to know if I need the colour COMPLETELY gone or it's ok to stain over even though it still has some colour but it's light? I did see a youtube video of a guy who re stained on a deck that was slightly patchy and had some colour to it and it turned out ok.
Any more advice is welcome.
Hello @ghost-x
Thank you for sharing your question about stripping your deck. Staining or painting over uneven striped decking panels will produce an uneven patchy finish. Unfortunately, the cleaning and prepping chemicals will only remove so much of the old stain, it will be necessary to use mechanical means to clean and prepare the decking panels for a new coat of stain.
I also suggest having a look at this discussion - Deck strip, sand and oil by @DIY_Dan
Here is a link to our best advice: How do you revive a deck?
Here are some handy step-by-step guides:
Please keep us updated with your progress, we look forward to seeing your deck rejuvenated and ready for use.
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