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How to screw Merbau decking boards to frame?

Cultivating a Following

How to screw Merbau decking boards to frame?

Hi, I am at the stage of screwing the Merbau 140mm decking boards to the frame.

i am planning to go with either this


or this


question, which one is better for my boards (Truss or Trim)


does this screws also do countersink or I need to do a seperate countersinks

and final question 

will 50mm screws be enough or should I go with 65mm

Thanks in advance 



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: decking screws Trim or Truss

Hi @coolnav,


There will not be much difference in terms of performance, the main difference is aesthetic. It's entirely up to you, but I think the trim head screws usually look better as they are less perceptible.


Either of these Bremick screws do not require countersinking, but it is usually best with any decking to predrill.


I generally recommend using 50mm screws when installing boards that are 19mm or thinner and 65mm screws when installing thicker boards then 19mm.


Let me know what you think and if you have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.




Cultivating a Following

Re: decking screws Trim or Truss

Thanks @JacobZ , If there is no performance difference between Truss and Trim , I like the aesthetics of the Trim, I will go with the Trim and will post some pics here after my install if that helps others :smile:


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: decking screws Trim or Truss

That sounds great @coolnav.


I'm excited to see the finished product.




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