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How to re-attach a 25 metre Nylex retractable hose to a hebel wall?

Finding My Feet

How to re-attach a 25 metre Nylex retractable hose to a hebel wall?


I recently attached a Nylex 25 metre hose to a hebel wall for my in-laws.

Unfortunately, the water was left on continuously whilst the hose was pulled out many time and retracted.

This has led to the entire hose being pulled off the wall.

What is the best way to re-attach the reel to the existing holes in the wall.


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to re-attach a 25 metre Nylex retractable hose to a hebel wall

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @MichaelB1. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about attaching items to a Hebel wall.

You can check out fixing methods in this guide from Hebel. However, if you've had issues with those fixing methods, you might like to follow their advice and install a timber post that you'd concrete into the ground in front of the wall.


Regarding reusing the existing holes, that could prove to be problematic, and it would require a larger fixture in the wall. This might not be an option as the Nylex hose reel has a limited gauge of fixing that can be used on it. Moving the location slightly and re-drilling holes in fresh material might be easier, and the old holes can be filled with Concremate.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Re: How to re-attach a 25 metre Nylex retractable hose to a hebel wall

Thanks very much. I will have a look.

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