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How to protect fence from soil?

We have recently removed a garden shed from our backyard where our yard is higher than the laneway behind the fence


We would like to level the ground and rebuild a shed but was wondering to protect the fence from rusting


do we need to put a full retaining wall in our can we use corrugated iron sheets or cement sheets.


back fence.jpg back fence 2.jpg


Is the an option we can connect to the exisiting steel post rather than do a full retaining wall with posts etc


The old shed foundation was sitting on old rubbish against the fence so once that was dug away we have about 30cm of fence to protect once we put the soil back


See photos

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to Protect Fence from soil

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Allibe70. It's brilliant to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about protecting a fence.


30cm of soil doesn't sound like much, but the fence and its posts weren't designed to hold back soil. I recommend installing a retaining wall directly in front of the fence. This can easily be done by digging three footer holes and installing in the outer holes Jack 75 x 750mm End Post Galvanised Steel Retain It Sleeper Uprights and in the central, a Jack 50 x 750mm Galvanised Steel Retain It Joiner Post Up right Sleeper. You can then concrete them into the ground. Once the concrete has set, you can slip four 50mm thick treated Pine sleepers into the posts.

Installing a retaining wall allows you to establish a stable and compacted area for your new shed whilst avoiding any chance of compromising the fence.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Re: How to Protect Fence from soil

thanks was hoping to avoid having to remove more dirt to dig the deep holes.

Does Bunnings hire post-hole diggers ? as we have more retaining walls to do in that backyard section

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to Protect Fence from soil

That's understandable, @Allibe70. We do hire post-hole diggers, and they would certainly assist with your project. If you have other holes to dig hiring one sounds like a great solution.




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