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How to prevent birds from damaging railing?

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How to prevent birds from damaging railing?

What is the difference between 'equal" & "unequal" aluminium angles.  May need to put around merbau railing to protect from cockatoo chewing - some damaged already413955163_2051895401838074_8404333748999600151_n.jpg 417227556_742056774108402_3904142060083348536_n.jpg 413310912_1331321680861872_4897161951798529763_n.jpg

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: How to prevent birds from damaging railing?

Thanks for your question, @JenD. Sorry to hear about your damaged railing. 


I saw one of our experienced members @Jewelleryrescue suggested using a scare hawk to deter birds in your other discussion. Let me also call upon our resident Bunnings D.I.Y. expert @EricL to see if he has any additional suggestions.




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Getting Established

Re: How to prevent birds from damaging railing?

Thank you that would be good.  Any suggestions welcome.  

Re: How to prevent birds from damaging railing?

Hi  @JenD 


I  am glad to be of help  to you again. Just to  be clear  the aluminium angle is a possible  bird solution that will look ok on your hand rail I cant guarantee this will work but it is a solid plan.  


Equal  aluminum is simply both sides are the same length  eg 20mm and 20mm  There is usally a 3rd measurement the length of the material maybe 3.0 meters,  and a  4th measurement is the thickness of the aluminium eg 1mm.  


Your  aluminum would be good at 1.6mm. thick  as it is supported by wood I would  glue it on  with any clear silcon, as silicon can be rubbed of  at need later and not mark timber,  You only need spot dabs to  hold it in place.


Unequal aluminium  might be 20mm and a longer  other side 40mm  .  


For  your railing I am thinking  square  equal angle  16mm x 16mm x 3000mm (3meters) 1.6mm thick, As the birds seam to chew the edges first. sharpening  their beaks ?  


Metal Mate 16 x 16 x 1.6mm 3m Aluminium Equal Angle  I/N: 0427747  $20.10


Cut  aluminium with a regular hacksaw is  easiest.                           

And if you use a mitre  box you can cut corner joins with a hack saw to.



If  you still getting your scary hawk you might need a pole to mount it on.

I was  thinking a  plastic flexable conduit (that will flex in the wind, move )  tied to your balcony corner rail  as a  test with the bird  up 4 m above may produce  best results .  spray  paint it black later if it works.

Deta 20mm Heavy Duty Rigid Conduit I/N: 4330850  $6.11



Re: How to prevent birds from damaging railing?

Thanks heaps!!!  This is fantastic information.  I so appreciate it.

One more question - is this available in black at all or a matt silver ?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to prevent birds from damaging railing?

Hi @JenD 


The aluminium angles come in matt silver, bronze and black. I suggest visiting your local store and having a look at what's available. 


If you need further assistance, please let us know.  




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