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How to improve backyard drainage?

Just Starting Out

How to improve backyard drainage?

Hi All,


My husband and I are having discussions about a water drainage issue that occurs when rain is very heavy.  The first photo is the area where the water pools when the rain is heavy and then it starts pooling back onto the pavers and creeping back along them towards the door of my studio AKA the green garage building.


The second photo is the back of the garage/studio building where the water should run  down to the drain in the corner  (i think it's the storm drain)to but doesn't... I tried building a bodgy dirt channel and filling it with tones and of course that didn't work and filled up with dirt and then grew weeds.


The garden to the right does slope down  gently towards that part of the yard.. My husband thinks we need a 'water catching pit/sump thing' in the area where the pooling starts and then a closed pipe leading from the pit/sump to the storm water drain. I thought a weeping pipe/french drain thing running down the length of the slope/back yard or across the slope (i can't remember the exact name but I know you guys sell it and I saw a a video about installing)


What do you think would be the best way to handle this issue?




dirt area where water pools and runs back onto paversdirt area where water pools and runs back onto paversStorm water drain at end of this partStorm water drain at end of this part

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to improve backyard drainage?

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @happeningplace. It's sensational to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about drainage.

I think you're both right, and I'd recommend implementing a drainage system with both options. As per the image below, I'd suggest running a socked agline along the red line to capture any water transversing across toward the dwelling. I'd then also put a drainage pit in the middle, marked in blue, to capture any water pooling on the surface and filling up the area.

The socked agline can then carry water away and down to your stormwater pipe.


Here's a handy guide: How to install garden drainage.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



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