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I do not have any photos, but I have an above ground garden bed.
It is in full sun,I am in Perth WA.
What vegetables can cope with that? and how often do I water and at what time of day?
What vegetables need stakes?
What is the best way to get rid of snails and woodlice, what insects are beneficial for the bed.
I am a very new to gardening person.
I hope that I can get some guidance from this
Solved! See most helpful response
Hello @Maggymay
Putting on the newspaper before the new soil sounds like a good idea, as it will help suppress any weeds that might try to sprout up.
You could mix some vegetable scraps into the garden now, but they will take time to break down. Is a compost bin completely out of the question? Perhaps you could mention to the community management that their waste could go in there instead of the bins. We also have indoor benchtop Bokashi bins for composting that you could have inside your apartment. If the compost bin idea does not work, you can always buy compost by the bag.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Hi MitchellMc
My community has bins for food waste and that is taken away. I do not fancy delving into a wheelie bin. I will try to save vegie scraps in a small bucket that I have.
I am not going to plant anything until we have some cooler days.
I am just going to get the bed really ready to give the plants the best chance.
The bed is about 1mt wide and 3/4 mts long, it gets full sun most of the day, (it has tree shade in the afternoon)
I has a water system in it, but I think that the water is turned on maybe every 2/3 days.
My raised garden bed is nearly ready, on Wednesday we will put in the new soil, (Iforgot the name) one of the staff showed us what to get. I must say that the staff are very helpful.
A friend gave me some lettuce seeds,and parsley.
She is a very knowledgeable gardener,
I am so looking forward to planting and reaping the rewards,I hope to grow cucumbers, tomatoes and capsicumms.
I will also be asking my other gardeners in the village when to plant what, I know that I can get them at bunnings, but I no longer drive and have to wait for my son to take me anywhere,I am getting very excited to start the planting.
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