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How to get rid of weeds under pebbles?

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How to get rid of weeds under pebbles?

My small front area with pebbles for at least 10 years no problem until lately.  This area has sun from mid day. Lately I notice green "fungus'?? creeping between and under pebbles.   Why and how to fix? Should I spray like weed spray and fill up more new pebbles?



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to get rid of weeds under pebbles?

Hi @MYC,


It appears to be a small plant that has grown in the soil between pebbles. I don't believe adding more pebbles would help resolve the issue. I'd recommend spraying the plant and surrounding area with a path weeder, which will kill it and prevent it and other weeds from returning for up to 12 months.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: How to get rid of weeds under pebbles?

Hello @MYC 

Depending on the area these stones cover Id almost be tempted to dig them/rake them out of the area and rinse of the excess dirt/silt that has collected over time. Then put down a fresh weed mat and put the stones back. Id usually try @MitchellMc suggestion but for me I worry I will kill more then just the weeds (as in runoff)



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Re: How to get rid of weeds under pebbles?

Thanks Mitchel. Will try. I thought the wet weather caused it. Another part of the garden has same problem but much worse. See photo.



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Re: How to get rid of weeds under pebbles?

That's what I was thinking too, Dave.  I just wonder if it was caused by wet weather.  Will let you know how I go. Thanks to both of you, Dave and Mitchell 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to get rid of weeds under pebbles?

It's likely a slightly damper spot in your pebbles, and the plant has taken advantage of that @MYC




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Re: How to get rid of weeds under pebbles?

Hi Mitchell and Dave,


From the second photo as above, this part of the garden is outside the garage window, where the plants keep multiplying that even couldn't kill them.  

But my problem is the tiny damp weeds on the soil multiply so much faster than I can get rid off the.

This part of the garden only has a little morning sun but mostly shady, where the New Guinea Impatient shurb and hebe doing well.   I want to get rid of the arium lily which self spreading underneath as well. 

Question: How should I solve this area for easy maintenance on the long term?  What can I plant? How to solve the damp weeds like swam?  If I clean up and dig all up, then would it help to put perlites for better drainage better soil, but what is best to plant there, hydrangea???  Help.

Community Megastar

Re: How to get rid of weeds under pebbles?


How about dig it up (yeah I actually like doigging) then go for some sort of plants that like wet conditions but pot them. Put down weed mat and place your plants. Then backfill the area with clean pebbles by at leastt 7cm depth. That way something would be using any water in that area and also no dirt for the weeds to grow so easily?



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to get rid of weeds under pebbles?

Hi @MYC 


Planting Hydrangea in that spot should be ideal. You get a little bit of sunlight in the morning and incidental light during the day. However, I strongly recommend preparing the soil before you start planting. 


Since the area is not very large, I recommend manually removing all the weeds by hand. However, if you wish to use a chemical product, I suggest having a look at Richgro 1L Beat-A-Weed Natural Weedkiller. It contains natural weedkilling products and works by dehydrating the weeds. 


Please note that this product will eliminate any plant it comes into accidental contact with.


Please make sure to wear personal protection such as gloves, goggles and a mask. Make sure to follow the safety instructions behind the bottle.


Here are some handy guides that should help:



If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Re: How to get rid of weeds under pebbles?

Yes, Dave, hard work but that's the best solution.  Just to persevere to sieve all the weeds between pebbles.  There's no plant there, just a footpath where I put some slabs for walking.   As no plants on pebbles, I could gently spray the weed killer on a calm weather day, might be quicker too.  Will keep updated how I progress.  Thanks.

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