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How to fix broken patio tiles?

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How to fix broken patio tiles?

I have a rental that the tennants have moved out, and its time for me to fix 20 years of their damage... Its almost done - except for this one - what to do with some broken tiles on the entrance patio....


I am not wanting a huge expense on this one - as I have already updated / fixed so much... Its time to get it on the market. Let someone enjoy this home...


The tiles are cracked - they are solid / not moving - just does not look as nice as it should be (the pictures show the long crack from the door to the edge and then runs along the front of it... A few mm thick and a few mm deep. These tiles were laid in concrete and are at least 15 - 20 mm thick. (Yes I need to clean the tiles before anything).


I am not wanting to retile or replace them -wanting an easier fix.


I have thought of two options - and want to run these past the community for thoughts or even other suggestions.


First Option.

I could fill the cracks - maybe builders bog and sand them smooth.

Then use concrete / patio paint to bring a new life... Something like Berger Jet Dry 4L Heavy Duty Deep Charcoal Paving Paint - Bunnings Australia


Second Option

Fill the cracks or not - but use epoxy (stuff you do floors in the garage). Something like Dy-Mark 4L Slate Water-Based Epoxy Coat Garage Floor Kit - Bunnings Australia


I need a hard wearing solution - its the traffic area - people coming in and out (and certainly washing machines / fridges at some stage). Little concerned on epoxy / paint because I hear stories of flaking / peeling etc.


Luckily the area is undercover... Well it is a patio and there is a roof over it - of course rain would come in on an angle... Guess a non slip surface might be good...


Thoughts on my options or something else ?20250306_202144.jpg20250306_202206.jpg

Re: How to fix broken patio tiles?

Thinking I might give Crommelin Liquidstone a go...  not oo expensive - in stock at my local bunnings... I will report back with pics over the next week to let you know how I go.... Now to get the CLR out and Karcher to clean up the area first!

Community Megastar

Re: How to fix broken patio tiles?

Afternoon @kchambers 

:smile: Sounds like a plan and the product looks interesting. Definently would be interested in how it goes :smile:



Re: How to fix broken patio tiles?

OK Progress so far.... Note immediately at the top - relatively happy so far...


So I cleaned the area - scrubbed it with CLR / Pressure washed it all....

Then I patched the cracks with builders bog and sanded it nice and smooth....


Washed it down with a hose (not pressure) to clean it up...  


Then applied 2 coats of Crommelin Liquidstone Sealer - the coverage suggested was spot one - 1 tin was perfect for 2 coats of this stuff for me... Waited the recoat time of 1 hour... was bloody hot in elbourne today - but within the limits of the instructions supplied.


I cant describe the smell of this - very unusual - not nice but not offensive...  Dont know how to describe it... It was just a milky type clear substance - easily put on with a roller.


Then it was time to apply the Crommelin Liquidstone Sandstone - thinking it is a close color to the tiles...  What an interesting paint - its thick and has something like sand mixed through it - consistancy like a mustard - but it goes on easy with a roller.


Again the coverage was spot on - for me - it was 1.5 tins....


I can no longer see the cracks !!!



 It must have been getting dark - its a lot more yellow than this.... First coat !


Very patchy... the original tiles have black grout and it really does show... But coverage was good


2 hours wait - recoat time... Second coat has improved it remarkably.... Going to wait for the morning to check - think I will apply a 3rd coat...


At least its looking so much better - and so easy to do...


You can optionally put a sealer on it - recommendation is 2 coats - and if the coverage is correct then thats just 1 tin....


Unfortunately tomorrow its likely to rain - predicting thunderstorms in melbourne - so it might be later in the week before I report back with final results...


So far - application / coverage / adherring to the tiles is all working well - will just have to wait the time to see how well it lasts.


(Because I was looking at doing this and using google to search and find - the internet is now bombarding me with epoxy resin floor covering stuff... which looks ideal but they show you 50sqm of flooring and want to sell you a 500gm tin of stuff for $50 that probably would not coer 1sq 111 Need to surf on other topics now to get rid of these marketing ads!)



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix broken patio tiles?

Hello @kchambers 


Thank you very much for sharing those updates. Once you remove the masking tape, I'm sure the painted tile area will look great.




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Community Megastar

Re: How to fix broken patio tiles?

Good Evening @kchambers 

:laugh: Looks great! Love the steps and how you are describing them. Did you by any chance take a pic of the filled in cracks before painting over them?


Id possibly suggest to remove the tap earlier then later. I have a bad habit of leaving tape and then it sticks. Cant wait to see it in the daylight!



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