I am building a deck and the engineer produced a report that uses 100x100mm concrete stumps embedded into concrete for the footings.
I am generally happy working with wood, but can't figure out how to attach my timber bearers to the concrete stumps. The deck uses a simple bearer supporting joists design for the underdeck so once the bearers are secured on the stumps it will be easy building.
For reference I will be using hardwood bearers and have to place a termite shield.
Is it a simple case of using the steel rod in the concrete stump, running that through the bearer? This seems odd to me; the idea of drilling through the bearer, so I'm guessing this is not the answer. But the web has not been helpful.
I hope this makes sense, I am happy to elborate to figure this out. I really don't want to have to go back the the engineer to change anything at this stage.
Thanks in advance
Hi @Toval,
Thank you for your question about connecting bearers to stumps on your deck.
Generally, engineered plans should provide details on the hardware for important connections like this.
It seems strange to me that the engineer would not specify a method of attachment. I understand you don't want to have to contact them but to ensure the deck is sufficiently anchored, I'd say you'll have to.
The answer is likely using a threaded rod through the bearer, which is then attached with a nut and washer, but your engineer would need to confirm this and give you specific recommendations on the size and style of product used.
Unfortunately, the only person who can give you a definitive answer is your engineer.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Thanks Jacob,
Yes unfortunately the report doesn't indicate how the connection is made. I think the threaded rod is the answer, as I have done a bit more reading it seems logical. But I will contact the engineer.
Thanks again
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