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How to clean the security door?


I try cleaning it with some detergent  and water but after few hour  it come back  the same   doesn't  look clean



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to clean the security door?

Hi @raheem_anwari,


When you say the issue returned after a few hours, was it because the door had dried and the marks re-appeared?


Have you tried a stiff bristle brush? Also, we have the Permastik Fly Screen Vacuum Brush that's designed for the bristle to penetrate the holes in the flyscreen to dislodge any buildup. 


Is it also the frame that you tried cleaning or just the flyscreen? The frame has quite a bit of grime on the lower section. You could try lightly scrubbing with the brush. The idea is to use the least aggressive method possible to prevent damage to the painted surface.


Did these marks appear after brick and mortar or cement work was done outside the property?


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: How to clean the security door?

Hi Mitchell  and thanks fro you msg.  (When you say the issue returned after a few hours, was it because the door had dried and the marks re-appeared?) Yes when the doors dried  its come back  like that and looks dirty.     Also.  No   we haven't done any pointing or cement.   It's was  clean  and black few years  ago. But   now it looks  more oil and dirty  


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to clean the security door?

Hello @raheem_anwari 


I suspect that the surface of the mesh has lost its polish. I propose using 3M 200g Stainless Steel Cleaner And Polish. I suggest spraying a light coat on a Morgan Microfibre Cleaning Cloth and wiping the surface of the mesh and see if it changes its lustre. 


Please give this a try and let me know if it changes the appearance of the mesh.




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