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I want to place some composite decking over my verandah / patio but i have only 60mm clearance. Can i use 70 X 35 or should i use 90 x 35 structured pine and place 123 x 23 composite deck on top. Any feedback would be much appreciated.
Hello @nightrider_aus
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's marvellous to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about installing a low-
level deck on your patio.
I'm sorry but 60mm is not enough space to install a low-level deck. It might seem like it would work but there would be little to no air gap underneath the decking frame. This would in turn trap moisture under the deck and accelerate the deterioration of the decking timber frame.
The issue with using a 70x35 timber frame is that it will have to be turned to its tall side facing up. Plus, the thickness of the composite decking which is 23mm gives you a total of 58mm. Even if you put in a plastic packer of 2mm, it's not enough space to get good airflow.
Can I please request for you to take another picture of your patio so that we can see its entire area? This will give our members a chance to assess the area and we'll be able to determine if there is a possible solution.
If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.
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