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Hello Members,
The Wood screws dislocated from the wall. Should the gap be filled again with cement, drilled and fixed. (or) any alternative fixtures are available to prevent this from happening again. Reckon due to the wind pressure the door is frequently getting pushed for above event to happen. Could you please list the materials for resolving this.
Intent to replace below lock mechanism with door lock that can be accessed from both sides of the gate. Can you please propose any suitable two way door lock and ways to close the holes in the gate (if that is exposed) after fixing the two way lock.
By the way, please propose suitable paint and tools (I'm paining for the first time) to touch up the scratches that were left over due to be movement of the dislocated gate.
Door Lock
Thank you.
Hello @EricL @MitchellMc
Are there charts available for the torque to be applied on Nuts/Screws for various materials in various substrates.
I will be tightening Dynabolts shortly to the brick and wondering on correct torque. The packaging of Dynabolt does not inform it. It informs about the load that the bolt can carry. Not the torque.
Can you please recommend any vice /
chucks that fit in to the mobile work bench for drilling purpose. At the moment, I have to enlarge the hold of the washer and not have any clamp to hold it for drilling.
I too have a Kincrome blue steel tool trolley. Not sure of having a vice there.
Hi @nagumuthu,
There are no specific torque levels to tighten the bolts. You need to tighten them until they grip, and then another quarter revolution or so until it becomes hard to turn them further.
A small bench vice would likely be the best choice to hold a washer for enlarging its hole. Were there not any more suitably sized washers to select from? There are no chucks that I am aware of to suit that mobile workbench that would assist in holding a washer. For drilling into the post, I think you'll find a second clamp useful to stop it from twisting.
Hello @MitchellMc
Does Torque only applies to Screws then.
By the way, I have tighted up the bolts, based on your guidance. I have stopped tightening it, once feeling a resistance and making a quarter turn from it. If I try to put a bit of pressure, it is still tighening. So, I'm not sure whether that is the correct point which I stopped, as I'm afraid the brick might give way. I stopped there and will monitor the screws for any looseness, once gate is fixed, which I'm currently doing at the moment.
For drilling in the post, from the photo which I posted earlier with single clamp, it works without any bending. I tried with two clamps earlier (one of them is a quick release clamp). I agree that two clamp is better than one to avoid the twist by any means.
Torque specifications are typically only applied in situations like installing stud bolts on a car engine. The manufacturer will want them tightened to a specific torque. For Dynabolts, the specifications I tighten mine to are exactly three grunts. If you strain too much, they'll crush the brick or start to spin in the hole. Tighten them until the nut stops spinning easily (that's when they grip) and then do another quarter revolution. Or, when you give out a grunt.
Hello @MitchellMc
Thanks for the clarrification. What is 'Grunt'; The meaning which is found is a low, short sound.
By the way, I have fixed the post to the brick wall and the gate to the post as shown hereunder. Many thanks to @MitchellMc @EricL @Neo19 @TedBear @Noyade for your guidance.
After fixing the gate, noticed that a gap is different on top and bottom of the gate as shown below.
Looking at it closely, it is too obvious. Can be gap be closed by placed 15mm spacer on top ?. If it is, then once the spacer is placed, will it look nice on top.
A grunt is a guttural sound someone emits from their mouth while straining to do something @nagumuthu. My wife says I grunt whenever doing physical labour.
Great work on installing the post and gate!
I'd recommend attaching a length of 90mm decking to the front of the fence post. That will cover the gap nicely.
Thanks @MitchellMc for briefing the 'Grunt'.
19mm thickness timber, as proposed, should it be affixed for the top half ? How about painting of the timber to match the color of the gate ?
I'd recommend fixing it over the entire length to conceal every @nagumuthu. If you only affix it to the top, it will look like you are trying to hide the gap.
You can certainly paint the timber to match your fencing. If you are planning on painting the timber, you could use 92 x 18mm 5.4m H3 Treated Pine FJ DAR Primed LOSP instead of the Merbau decking.
Hello @MitchellMc
Does Bunnings cut this timber (92 x 18mm 5.4m H3 Treated Pine FJ DAR Primed LOSP ) to the various size ?
I have following questions on painting the timber.
1. Which method of painting is suitable for paining on above timber. [ Spray paint (or) Paint with brush ]
2. Paint for exact color match with the gate color. Can you please recommend any grey color paint for the coat.
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