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How I made steps for my frontyard

Building a Reputation

How I made steps for my frontyard

Frontyard Timber Steps and garden makeover.

Relatively steep slope, was difficult to mow lawn. Had quotes for concrete steps which were astronomical. 

I decided to try my hand at steps and the project evolved from there. Used 75mm sienna sleepers from Bunnings for longevity and strength. 












Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How I made steps for my frontyard

Hi @Ammy 


If there is 670mm of height difference between the top and bottom of the area, and if you were to use the minimum rise of a step of 130mm, you could have five steps over that area. The depth of each step would be around 1000mm.




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Getting Established

Re: How I made steps for my frontyard

Thank you 

Finding My Feet

Re: How I made steps for my frontyard

Hi I have a couple questions please. Where did you place the anchor steel? 

And how to you secure the last step to the path with the masonry bolts?

Hoping to do the same at my place and just trying to figure it all out. Thanks 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How I made steps for my frontyard

Hi @diynewb,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is fantastic to have you with us.


Allow me to tag @bthederan so they are notified of your questions.


Hopefully, they will respond shortly with some answers to your questions.


If you wanted some assistance from the rest of our community, you might like to create your own post with some photos and a few details about your planned project and any questions that you may have.

Let me know if you need a hand with this.




Building a Reputation

Re: How I made steps for my frontyard




steel reinforcing bars (rio bars) were hammered into the ground though the part of the step that was to be covered by the next step moving uphill. I predrilled with a long drill bit and then used a sledgehammer to drive the 450mm riobars into the ground. Please check electrical, gas, storm or wastewater lines before you do this etc. 
I attached the top step to the slab with 4 Dynabolts. Hope this helps

Re: How I made steps for my frontyard

Thank you

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