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Front yard stairs


Hi there, just wondering if these Ezi steps can be used from letterbox up to the front door -ground level?  We've got a slight sloping front yard and need to put stairs in as driveway is too hard to get up and down for some. Would these be suitable? Thankyou

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Front yard stairs

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @TillyDee73. It's amazing that you've joined us, and many thanks for your question.


Nothing you have mentioned would make me think they are not suitable for that purpose. Perhaps you might like to show us an image of the space in case there is something that would obstruct their installation, or that has been overlooked.


These are H3 treated timber suitable for aboveground use. A clearance gap between them and the soil of at least 100mm is preferred. To keep the tread surface level, the side supports need to be mounted at the correct angle. If your slope is less than this angle, you might need to cut away the ground to accommodate the stairs.


I look forward to seeing some images and providing further assistance.




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Re: Front yard stairs

Screenshot_20210207-102038_Samsung Internet.jpg

Re: Front yard stairs

Thought we would take out the garden up the right side of the driveway and lay the stairs up against the concrete. 

Re: Front yard stairs

Hello @TillyDee73 


I'm in agreement with @MitchellMc on this. I see no reason why it won't work. My only suggestion is to possibly place mounting posts for the entire assembly so that it is off the ground and supported all the way up. Some of the soil may need to be dug up due to the angle of the stringer. You can also use multiple sets to break the angle of the stairs if is too steep. With this method you wont have to change the angle of the stringers and you get a rest with your climb on the way up.




I am a Bunnings team member. Any opinions or recommendations shared here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Bunnings. Visit the Bunnings website for assistance from the customer service team.

Re: Front yard stairs

Thanks so much guys for your responses and suggestions.  Will definitely go ahead with this idea and post pics when done. Cheers 

Re: Front yard stairs

Many thanks for the image, @TillyDee73. As @redracer01 has mentioned, your biggest challenge with this project will be matching the angle of the stairs to the angle of the slope. You might be in luck, and it matches perfectly, but I suspect you'll need to do a bit of excavation. You can use a landing pad halfway up if the angles aren't working out for you. If you decked the landing area, it could add some interest to the long flight of stairs.




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