Making a Splash

Fence makeover

4.jpg What a epic transformation in our backyard!


I used the Dulux Rapid Finish Spray Gun and Dulux Rapid Finish Paint!


This is only one coat so far, but it makes such a difference to a once boring fence.


Best $99 I spent on this Spray Gun, works a treat!


*Note: I did dilute the paint by 10% to allow a more consistent flow 


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Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Fence makeover

Nice one @Nikkaz. We did the same at our place. The darker background really makes the greenery pop.


What colour did you use?


It would be great to see some more shots when you've done the final coat. 




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Re: Fence makeover

Hey @Jason I used Monument :smile:

I will post some more after the weekend, hopefully it doesn't rain. 

Re: Fence makeover

Excellent paint job!

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Re: Fence makeover

Definitely a huge difference and looks great.
Nice one.
Just Starting Out

Re: Fence makeover

Hey Nikkaz, 


did you 'cut in' with a brush at the top? We are thinking of doing this sometime before the end of summer

Getting Established

Re: Fence makeover

Hi, I am a newbie and looking at doing the same on my existing cream colourbond fence. Just wondering, if you were using a spray gun how do you stop the paint going over the fence into the neighbours when painting the top bit? Or, do you use a brush for the top area?
Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Fence makeover

Hi @mel0567 and @Nikkaz,


Let me extend a very warm welcome to the Workshop community to you both. We trust you will receive loads of fantastic assistance and inspiration for your projects around the house and garden from our amazing members. 


When I did my fence makeoverI spent a lot of time taping up newspaper on our timber boards to cover them. But every time the wind blew through the boards the newspaper would lift off - the gentle paint tape I was using wasn't really strong enough, but I didn't want to use anything that might damage the boards. I found it was easier just to tape a couple of lines, cut in with a brush and use a large piece of cardboard to shield the boards whenever I had to spray near them. The cardboard trick might be sufficient for you...


Other members smarter than me might have other tips for you.




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Getting Established

Re: Fence makeover

Thanks for the welcome Jason. The cardboard trick sounds good, thanks. Will let you know how I go.
Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Fence makeover

Can also use the high tech alternative to cardboard.

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