Kind of a Big Deal

Feature fences

Now I've done 4 different types of feature fencing in recent times, I thought I'd pop them all into one post to hopefully give some creative inspiration.


Some options are more challenging than others but all are within a DIYer's reach. 


Hope you enjoy.








Handy and helpful
Instagram @at.home.rosehill @kayudesignco @aspirebamboo

Re: Feature fences

@ProjectPete thanks so much for the photo, that is very helpful! 

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Re: Feature fences

Followers of this discussion might like to check out @ProjectPete's new step-by-step guide How to add an extension to a Colorbond fence


Hope you find it useful.




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Re: Feature fences

Hi @ProjectPete 

These look great. How did you fix that frame to the colourbond? Just screws, or bolts? A bit hard to see in the photo.

Also, what is the frame resting on? Looks like some more timber? And what did you do to waterproof the bottom of the frame? Did you add drainage holes in case water gets in some how?


Also, how did you make the wall behind the Cactus? Is that a frame with Fibre Cement Sheets? Is it rendered, or texture paint? Thanks

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Feature fences

Thanks @Itai 


  • Frame fixed to fence with 14g Metal Teks bugle screws.
  • Frame doesn't rest on anything, fixed direct to top and bottom fence rails.
  • I use a Crommelins waterproofing agent - only required for bottom of frame as it's installed close to ground. Avoid it actually touching the ground.
  • Drainage holes not required.
  • The cactus wall are Hardiflex sheets painted with Dulux Fine Cover Texture paint tinted Colorbond Surfmist. Prime it first.

Hope this helps 😀

Handy and helpful
Instagram @at.home.rosehill @kayudesignco @aspirebamboo

Re: Feature fences

Hi @ProjectPete


Do you have any concerns about the additional weight on the fences? I was trying to convince my mother to do something like this at her house and described how I would fix the frame. I had presumed the frame and cladding weight was supported from the ground, and they were merely pinned back against the fence. She was concerned that might not be great for the fence, but you're saying the entire weight is born by the fence? Even I'm surprised by that, but I trust your expertise.


Either way that's great to hear, as once I explain how you actually constructed it I'm sure she'll be happy with me just pinning them back to the fence for extra security.




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Re: Feature fences

Thanks @ProjectPete

That's really helpful :smile:

I assume you ran some hardiflex along the top as well. How did you seal where the two hardiflex sheets meet, and how did you sell between the top and the colourbond fence, or did you not seal that part and it's be fine that water gets inside the frame due to the corrugated profile it's resting against?



Re: Feature fences

I've never had an issue with affecting the structural integrity of the fencing @MitchellMc . The first one I did was about 5 or so years ago and it's still standing strong and true.

Handy and helpful
Instagram @at.home.rosehill @kayudesignco @aspirebamboo
Getting Established

Re: Feature fences

😳😱 seriously. This is my dream garden. Well done. It looks amazing 

Finding My Feet

Re: Feature fences


Hi Pete

The above projects look extremely elegant and professional. I am looking to hide my wooden fence behind cement cladding and need it to be secure enough to keep my pets confined to the garden. I am looking for a professional to install the cladding and wondered if you can help me.
I would truly appreciate your recommendations.

thank you . 

North Dandenong, Victoria

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Community Manager

Re: Feature fences

Hi @RebeccaJ,


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. We're pleased to have you join us and look forward to reading all about your projects and plans for around the house and garden.


I know @ProjectPete is based in Perth so is unlikely to be able to assist. If you are looking for recommendations on a tradesperson, we would always recommend you try a site like Airtasker or hipages. As Workshop is a community for people right across Australia and New Zealand, it is unlikely that there will be a member near you who can recommend someone suitable. It's best to go direct to a site that is designed for that purpose. 




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