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Eco friendly paint for a bird cage?

Just Starting Out

Eco friendly paint for a bird cage?

I was hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction of what paint is appropriate/non toxic to repaint a bird cage with? 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: eco friendly paint? bird cage

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @ebonyb. It's fabulous to have you join us and many thanks for your question.


In our range of paints, the only non-toxic branded paints are generally craft paints which are not really suitable for painting birdcages. They are relatively soft paints being easily scratched or chewed off the cage. We then have a range of low odour/toxicity paints such as the Dy-Mark 300g Water Based Gloss Acrylic Paint. Unfortunately, they don't fall under your requirement of being non-toxic.


It's not necessarily just eating the paint that is poisonous to birds, as most paints are lead and zinc free these days, they are particularly susceptible to volatile organic compounds as well. These VOC's are the fumes that are given off by the paint whilst curing. It is particularly important to not have the bird closeby when the painting or around the newly painted surfaces.


I'd be happy to contact a few of our suppliers on Monday to ask if they have any non-toxic and non-VOC paints available to us.




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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Eco friendly paint for a bird cage?

Hi @ebonyb


I just wanted to update you as I have now been able to discuss your question with several of our paint suppliers. Painting birdcages comes under the same requirements as painting baby cots. They require a paint that is non-toxic and none of our suppliers produce a paint that is to those requirements.


Let me mention a few of our ever-helpful members @Tara86@prettyliving@Poppop@r23on to see if they have any experience with paints that are non-toxic.


Please let me know if you require further information or had any questions.




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Re: Eco friendly paint for a bird cage?

There are some 99% VOC free paints available if you do a Google search. Or maybe consider a natural look and go for a coat of Linseed oil.

Making a Splash

What paint to use for a bird cage?

I am sorry I am very new to all this email stuff. Anyway the wee birds cage needs a facelift.Forget about Botched what about vegetal paint they used e on cakes etc.

Re: What paint to use for a bird cage?



This is a question that has recently been asked on the Bunnings Workshop community so we have moved your post to this discussion. Please have a look at the advice provided by Mitchell above. 


You might like to let us know what your bird cage is made of, or share a photo of the cage so we can see what you are working with, in order to provide more specific and helpful advice. 




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