Building a Reputation

Cat enclosure

In October last year I told you of the Cat Enclosure I was wanting to build - my very first project at the age of 59 !! 

It took me a month to complete , totally on my own. 


It has , over the top , part cat max and part shadecloth so the cats can chose sun ir shade and there is also a cat door so they can come and go as they please . Thete is a full length U Zip so I can go in and out through the back if needed.  I am about to add a clear Tarp over the top so the cats can still go out there when it is raining and I will remove this again when summer returns . I have my 2 chairs out there also and enjoy sitting out there having a cuppa or reading and have lunch out there often with friends . I never sat out there in the last 20 years !! Bunnings staff were fantastic in cutting most of the wood to my measurements and also for their advice when needed . 


I am extremely happy with the result and my Cats LOVE it . 


I have added a couple of photos .






Building a Reputation

Catio- Weatherproof cover

I have today , worked my butt off all day so my Cats can have an All Weather Enclosure .

I have added a Waterproof top to their Catio .

It took me all day , as once again I had to do it all on my own , but I got there , and I only had to make one trip to Bunnings .

It was made even more difficult because I didn't have access to my Neighbours side and the shed was in the way , but I completed it .

It is on an angle and slopes away from the Unit , so the rain will run away from the Unit .

My Cats , and I , can now go out into the Enclosure on a wet day and I no longer have to continuously have to keep bringing inside their beds and blankets if it is raining .

Because it is off my bedroom and the only natural light for the back of the Unit , I chose a clear cover so the light still comes through and the cats and I can still enjoy the sunshine .


Photos attached .20190511_160148.jpg




Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: Catio- Weatherproof cover

Great job !
Just Starting Out

Re: Cat Enclosure Update

I love this, well done! There is a cat enclosures Western Australia page on FB. It would be great if you can share your photos on it.
Building a Reputation

Re: Cat Enclosure Update

Thank You Katie,  

I didn't know about that Group on Facebook .

I have just joined the Group and will post my Enclosure on their site .

Many Thanks,  Chris 

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Amassing an Audience

Re: Cat Enclosure Update

Well done @Chrissie35 


Always great to see people giving something a crack and improving their home. You should feel proud!

Building a Reputation

Re: Cat Enclosure Update

Thank You Kermit  , that is very nice .

I have to give it a go ,as there is no one to help .

The worst that can happen is to have to try again .

The best is to try and succeed , and then that gives you the confidence to try something else .

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Cat Enclosure Update

Hi @KatieBee,


Just wanted to extend an overdue but very warm welcome to the Workshop community. We're really pleased you could join us and look forward to reading about your own projects and plans. Feel free to post whenever you need a hand or have something to share. We have loads of helpful, clever and creative members sharing projects and assisting others. And please let me know if you ever need a hand getting the most from the site. I would be very happy to help.




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Re: Cat enclosure

good stuff we silly cat owners do weird stuff :wink:

Re: Catio- Weatherproof cover

Hi  love your cat enclosure. It’s given me some great ideas thanks 

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