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My birdhouse, it was built from recycled timber drawers that were collected from roadside/nature strips.
This one is made from 12mm thick pine, stained, oiled and waxed finish, I don't think it would stand up to the elements if left outside. I'm keeping this in the workshop area.
In the last photo, my canary looks like he wants to move into the bird house.
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Hello @JoeAzza
That is a gorgeous birdhouse. Would you mind sharing some details about the finish? Which oil and wax did you use in combination? How many coats did you put on? Did you melt the wax first or did you just rub it on at room temperature? Any tip or recommendation you can share when trying to replicate this project would be much appreciated.
Thank you so much for sharing this amazing birdhouse project.
Thank .@Ericl for you kind comments. I used Feast Watson stains, 2 coats walnut, 2 coat Mahogany, then one more coat of walnut to give it a darker finish, allow to dry between coats, I used natural teak oil after staining the birdhouse, this oil is supposed to be used after polyurethaning the finish, the oil gives a smooth finish, however I didn't use any polyurethane on this project, once it dried overnight, I had a mixture of beeswax and coconut oil and coated , polished all over.
The birdhouse was glued together, using Sikaflex polyurethane glue. I didn't use any nails. Clamping was difficult, I used a lot of tape and super glue to hold it together while the polyurethane glue was drying.
Hi @JoeAzza
Thank you so much for sharing those details on the build and finish. I'm sure our members will find this information handy if they decide to build a birdhouse of their own.
We look forward to seeing your next creation.
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