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Alfresco wall for privacy and weather protection

Having an Impact

Alfresco wall for privacy and weather protection

Hi everyone,


Here is another project at the new house. 


We have enclosed a corner of our alfresco to help keep the weather out and make it a bit more private plus we will be putting cupboards and bench through here too a bit later.


I made the frame out of 90x35 treated pine. If you are doing something like tis make sure you use H4 pine for the bottom plate of the wall frame.


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Once the frames were made I stood them up and bolted them into the concrete the bugle screwed them into the wall/posts/beams.

I then wrapped the frame with the blue builders wrap and began cladding. I used the same cladding as the rest of the house to match it all in.




This side of the house gets all the afternoon sun so I also insulated this wall before lining the inside plus put some blocking and wiring in for a TV/sound bar. All I used to line the wall was  4.5mm fiber cement sheeting.




And lastly was paint.


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To look at it you would never know it was added on.





Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Added wall to alfresco for privacy and weather protection



Many thanks for sharing.


It does look seamless, this is another great job you should be proud of Kyle! Great to see you putting your stamp on your new home. 




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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Added wall to alfresco for privacy and weather protection

Love your work Kyle (@Baggs)! You're creating what looks to be an amazing space there. As @Jason mentioned, very seamless, and it seems like it was built that way with the house from the beginning. A great addition indeed.




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Re: Added wall to alfresco for privacy and weather protection

Cheers @Jason & @MitchellMc

It will be great when done. 

Still a pergola on the other end of the alfresco to go plus a heap of retaining and then my BBQ shed off the end of the pergola..

The timber supply is unfortunately holding things up a lot.




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Added wall to alfresco for privacy and weather protection

Hi @Baggs


What an awesome alfresco extension. I love the fact that you prepared for the mounting of the TV and soundbar. This simple detail tells me that you were already thinking ahead about what you were going to put on this wall. How long did it take to reach the painting stage?


Thank you so much for sharing your alfresco extension project.




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Having an Impact

Re: Added wall to alfresco for privacy and weather protection

Hi @EricL,


Haha yes this was all planned before the house was even built. even a GPO for a heater in on the ceiling. started fitting the patio blinds over the weekend too.

It only took a couple hours to make and stand the wall frames up. Then an afternoon to do the external cladding and about the same for the internal lining. So I guess a day and a half for it to be ready for paint.





Home Improvement Guru

Re: Added wall to alfresco for privacy and weather protection

Looks great - very professional looking. You've painted the concrete?


I had an old pergola that was in bad shape and 5 years ago decided to cover it in. Limited resources and skill - as a Clint Eastwood character once said, "a man has gotta know his limitations."

So I went with corrugated iron and H4 sleepers. The sleepers had to be connected with steel plate to prevent warping.

Now completely enclosed with a lifting wall panel and door on the northern side and double steel doors on the western side - seen here.

The steel doors were a challenge.

My wife hates it.



Having an Impact

Re: Alfresco wall for privacy and weather protection

Such great info. Thank you for sharing! I don’t know enough about outdoor wood to make sure it’s weather proof, so this was really helpful 😊

Re: Alfresco wall for privacy and weather protection

Hi @theparlourroom


Let me tag @Baggs to make them aware of your kind words. If you ever decide to proceed with a similar project, please make sure to post a photo of the build. I'm sure our members would be keen to see how you'll be covering your alfresco.


If you have any questions regarding this project, please let us know.




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