Cultivating a Following

nails in stairs


I have this new house purchased couple of months back. Whenever we use stairs to  go up or down, we would feel nails on our foot, sometimes really hurting. 
I spoke to the developer and he said it is the standard in these stairs and use a hammer to settle down those nails. 
should I use runner on these stairs, if yes then what’s the best way to stick them onto   


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: nails in stairs

Welcome to the Workshop community @mk1. Many thanks for your question, I'd be happy to assist.


That certainly doesn't sound like pleasant circumstances to deal with. Can I ask where the nails are poking through the carpet? The nailing strips which could possibly protrude I would expect to find in these locations.



The easiest option might indeed be to run along those lines and tap any nails sticking through down into the carpet pile. However, they really shouldn't be sticking through in the first place.


Having to fix a runner in position neatly with that type of staircase is going to be a process in itself.


I would attempt tapping the nails down first and if that doesn't work consider a runner.




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Cultivating a Following

Re: nails in stairs

Hi Mitchell,

yes it’s exactly same position as you highlighted. I will try hammering them down. 
thanks for ur help. 


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: nails in stairs

Hi @mk1,


How did you go with those nails, did hammering them down solve the issue?




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Cultivating a Following

Re: nails in stairs

Hi Mitchel,

it’s better but not 100% comfortable. May be I because I wasn’t too hard on those nails (was a bit afraid if hitting hard may make something else go wrong under the  stairs). I have just a beginner level knowledge about this stuff. 
thanks for checking mate. 



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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: nails in stairs

Hi @mk1,


If you can find individual problem nails which are still poking through you could place a nail punch on top and give them a solid strike with a hammer.  I am confident you won't damage anything underneath and this may allow those final stubborn nails to be driven inside the carpet pile.




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