The doors on both bedrooms don’t fully open to 180 degrees in order to sit flush against the walls, which I believe is because of the door frames (ple ...
I would like to wall mount the below mirror in reverse - i.e. narrow end on the bottom, wide end on the top. The mounts are located on the narrow end ...
water damage from torrential rain couple of years ago. Sick of looking at it. It's never happened in the 40 years we've been here. Should I try to cle ...
HiIm thinking of doing a feature wall in a bedroom with the Acoustic prempanels My concern is I have to cut around a window and fear that maybe the ga ...
Hi, I would like some advice on vinyl flooring. Do you put adhesive underneath the vinyl flooring. What types are available? Do you have to put underl ...
Hi folks,
Hoping we all are waiting for Christmas and new year.
My today's queries to the experts are how can I wall mount my heavy 75" 40 Kg TV.
I ...
Hi everyone - I'm new here and have looked at some similar issues with gaps in hardwood floors but I couldn't find an exact answer for my particular p ...
I am doing wainscoting project in my hallway, i installed two separate chair rails at two walls at 90 degree angle but there is gap because of profile ...
I'm looking for ideas to extend the height of the TV with the dimensions below.
This is cramped University accommodation.
The main criteria is it ...
I want to lay planks vinyl self adhesive to bottom of waredrobe, but I noticed there’s gaps and its specified to prime it first with bondcrete or Dunl ...
Client presented a picture and said "Make me one like this"Left to my own devises as to how and what.
Lots of on line research. Plenty of pics but nev ...
When we purchased our home, we could not fit our new lounges through any of the doors. So hubby cut through a wall, (as you do ) to gain internal acc ...
Restored old door in my sisters Air BNB house door was painted in wood grain paint had of scratches I paint stripped it all including hinges and for h ...
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