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Need soft-close hinges for a bedroom door

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Need soft-close hinges for a bedroom door

My 27yo son has intellectual disability. As part of this, he constantly slams his bedroom door - to the point that it has broken. I need something that slows the next door down while it is being closed.

Trying to figure out whether soft close hinges will do this. My guess is that they will gently close the door without manual intervention. But that they will not prevent the door from being slammed. Do I have this right?

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Need soft-close hinges for a bedroom door

Morning @bennrick 

I have a 27 year old autistic son who also slams doors and is a 'destroyer of taps' (over-tightens).

I just went with adhesive foam strips (Bunnings) on the door frame - certainly less noise. I think a self-closer, if forced, will be torn from the door.


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Need soft-close hinges for a bedroom door

Hi @bennrick,


Thank you for your question and welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is fantastic to have you with us.


Unfortunately, I am not aware of a soft close hinge that is compatible with a door. There are soft close hinges for cabinets, but unfortunately, they are not suitable for doors.


I'd suggest using a combination of @Noyade's suggestion of adhesive foam such as this Moroday Grey Econo Self Adhesive Weather Seal alongside a door closer such as this Lockwood 1022 Series Silver Hydraulic Door Closer.


The hydraulic door closer will create resistance preventing it from slamming easily, while the foam will deaden the impact if it does manage to get slammed.


Let me know what you think and if you have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.




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