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Replacing a wooden top with peeling veneer - DIY furniture repair

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Replacing a wooden top with peeling veneer - DIY furniture repair

I was given this little bedside table as a part payment for another furniture makeover I had completed but after I had taken it I had second thoughts. Most pine bedsides are pretty much solid wood but this was largely all veneer, and damaged veneer at that. I knew if I were to make this over it would take more than cleaning and painting, it would require a whole new top and a whole lot of elbow grease as well😁😊


Step 1

I assessed the damage to the top and attempted to remove it. I knew it wasn't good and I was right!Trying to pull the top off but it was satisfying!Trying to pull the top off but it was satisfying!Although the top was veneer and chipboard, the sides of the top were solid wood so it was hard to remove.Although the top was veneer and chipboard, the sides of the top were solid wood so it was hard to remove.I thought I may be able to just paint under the veneer but it was damaged chipboard.I thought I may be able to just paint under the veneer but it was damaged chipboard.It became more clear as I removed the sides.It became more clear as I removed the sides.

Step 2

There was also much damage to the sides but I decided to go ahead and use an old pine top I had bought for a previous project.

I added extra for  a lip around the sides and front and applied some masking tape before David cut it with a circular saw.I added extra for a lip around the sides and front and applied some masking tape before David cut it with a circular saw.I used the old top as a templateI used the old top as a templateI used an old round pine top I had bought for another project. I thought this might be the solution to the tabletop problem.I used an old round pine top I had bought for another project. I thought this might be the solution to the tabletop problem.There was a lot more damage on the sides too.There was a lot more damage on the sides too.

Step 3

I sanded the top to remove the previous wash and glue marks and I also smoothed out the edges. There seemed to be a bit of tanin bleed where I had white washed previously but I wasn't too worried.I could see some yellow stains but they weren't too bad.I could see some yellow stains but they weren't too bad.I thought I would smooth out the edges too.I thought I would smooth out the edges too.Sanding off the previous paint and glue marks.Sanding off the previous paint and glue marks.

Step 4

At this stage I was thinking twice about proceeding but thought what the heck I've come this far. I sanded back the wood filler and scuff sanded the body and drawers.I  thought I'd just go for it so I sanded the wood fill and scuff sanded the body and drawers in prep for the primer and paint.I thought I'd just go for it so I sanded the wood fill and scuff sanded the body and drawers in prep for the primer and paint.The veneer was peeling off in a lot of places.The veneer was peeling off in a lot of places. 

Step 5

It was time to attach the top. I had intended to screw it on but it was a bit awkward, so I glued it and hammered nails in the back to secure it.further secured it by hammering nails into back panel.further secured it by hammering nails into back panel.I clamped it in place then...I clamped it in place then...I used Maxi Nails construction adhesive to attach it to the top.I used Maxi Nails construction adhesive to attach it to the top.

Step 6

Next was cleaning, priming and painting. I have a collection of mistint paint pots, quite a collection😂, so I chose a color and then made some chalk paint by adding a tablespoon of calcium carbonate to about 250ml or one cup of paint.I used three coats of paint in total, brushing on then rolling over with a high density foam roller to give a smooth finish.I used three coats of paint in total, brushing on then rolling over with a high density foam roller to give a smooth finish.Making the chalk paint.Making the chalk paint.My  lil collection of paint pots.My lil collection of paint pots.I used Zinsser Bullseye 123 primer first, applying two coats.I used Zinsser Bullseye 123 primer first, applying two coats.

Step 7

Next was my favorite bit, applying the stencils to the draws. I made this silk screen stencil on the cricut machine previously and the stencils come out beautifully. It's so fun to do and I will be making more that's for sure!They look so pretty,They look so pretty,I stenciled all three drawer fronts and the drawer sides so that when they are opened they would look pretty. It was just an excuse to keep stenciling really:)I stenciled all three drawer fronts and the drawer sides so that when they are opened they would look pretty. It was just an excuse to keep stenciling really:)So much fun to do.So much fun to do.

Step 8

I attach porcelain drawer knobs I bought from Kmart. I always try to buy them when they have reduced them to $2 a packet so they're ultra good value. Even though the holes were already there I did have to drill again to make them a bit bigger.I think they suit the piece!I think they suit the piece!Tightening the nut.Tightening the nut.Making the holes a bit bigger so the bolt fits through.Making the holes a bit bigger so the bolt fits through.

Step 9

I now finish off the top I have replaced with a touch up sand and paint wash. I use the same color I painted the body and add a dash of water, just depending on how transparent you want the finish. Wiping off the excess paint to reveal the lovely grain.Wiping off the excess paint to reveal the lovely grain.Applying water to the top first to wet it a little then painting on the wash.Applying water to the top first to wet it a little then painting on the wash.I add water to the paint I used to paint the piece. Cheap and easy.I add water to the paint I used to paint the piece. Cheap and easy.Just looking at the old and the new.Just looking at the old and the new.Sanding the top with a fine sanding sponge before applying the wash. You really can feel the difference, it becomes so smooth.Sanding the top with a fine sanding sponge before applying the wash. You really can feel the difference, it becomes so smooth.Even though I mask it off, there is always a small amount of paint that manages to get on the wood.Even though I mask it off, there is always a small amount of paint that manages to get on the wood.Peeling off the protective masking tape off the top.Peeling off the protective masking tape off the top.

Step 10

I always use Glitz Beeswax to finish. This protects and gives a finished look. I'm so happy with the final result, the top looks beautiful and I didn't have to buy anything to complete this,to bespoke!to bespoke!From broke...From broke...The whole piece has been renewed.The whole piece has been renewed.The wood top looks brand new even though it was from an old piece of used board.The wood top looks brand new even though it was from an old piece of used board.I also love the color.I also love the color.The stencils are so pretty!The stencils are so pretty! I just used what I had which makes it ultra good value for money! Applying it with a damp cloth, then I let it dry for about 15 to 30 minutes and buff with a dry cloth.Applying it with a damp cloth, then I let it dry for about 15 to 30 minutes and buff with a dry cloth.My go to topcoat!My go to topcoat!

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Replacing a Wooden Top | Peeling Veneer Solution | DIY Furniture Repair

What a lovely transformation @daniknight4. You must be so pleased with those results. I love your chosen colours, and that stencil work is wonderful.


Many thanks for sharing, and well done.




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Re: Replacing a Wooden Top | Peeling Veneer Solution | DIY Furniture Repair

@MitchellMc @Thank you it was rewarding to do😊

Re: Replacing a Wooden Top | Peeling Veneer Solution | DIY Furniture Repair

Great work as always @daniknight4.


Thanks for sharing.




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