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we have installed hybrid flooring to bed room and living room.
We are struggling to figure out which transition to use for hybrid flooring to titles. There is a slight height different - the title is only a few mm higher than the hybrid.
Please advise what transition to use and best process to install please!
Hi @LuLu27,
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. We're really pleased to have you join us.
Great job on installing the new hybrid flooring. It would be fantastic if you could share some photos so our members see what you have done.
Before I hand over to our helpful members to assist you, this previous discussion kicked off by @Megha might actually include all the help you need: How to transition between bathroom tile flooring and laminate flooring of hallway?
As @DIYgals helpfully pointed out in that discussion, there are plenty of different trims to transition between different flooring types, including this one - Roberts 1.65m Silver Senior Ramp Floating Floor Trim.
Have a read and let us know if you need further assistance.
Hi @LuLu27,
Typically, if it's only a few millimetres, you'd use a tile edging strip. You could use this edge on the hybrid flooring to finish the edge. Or, an aluminium flat bar can be used. These don't adjust for height; they provide a neat transition from one surface to another.
If the height difference were more significant than a few millimetres, you'd generally use a cover strip. If it's only a slight height difference, you might be better off just using an edging strip as the cover strip will raise the floor height.
It comes down to whether the height difference is so significant that you could stub your toe or it's a trip hazard. If not, it's neater to use a transition edge strip.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you! Transition has been sucessfully installed
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