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How to tidy up scarf join on dado rail?



Installed this dado rail last week to complement our VJ panel and the scarf join didn't turn out as seamless as expected. It was my first go and really happy with the overall look but if there's any technique I could be shown to tidy up the joins, that would be great


Many thanks


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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: scarf join tidy up

Hi @Heath80,


The first step would be to sand the front face and top to reduce the height discrepancy in the transition. The length prouder than the other needed to be sanded down so it doesn't have this stepped appearance. I'd suggest 180-grit sandpaper for this. Once the front face and top are flush, you can then use timber filler on the gaps. Once again, sand this flat and flush with the surrounding surface.


Apart from the slight misalignment, you've done a wonderful job on the joint. Just a bit of finessing, and it will look A+.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: scarf join tidy up

Brilliant........thanks for the advice. I'll get onto it

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: scarf join tidy up

Keep us updated @Heath80, and reach out again if you need further assistance. 


A great tip I learnt was if you can't feel the joint with your finger, you probably won't be able to see it once painted. Sand the joint flush and smooth until you can no longer feel those stepped areas.




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Re: How to tidy up scarf join on dado rail?

Good afternoon @Heath80 

Man I know that scarf join so well (I didnt know its name until I saw your pic tho) I think your job looks pretty tidy and only ourselves know the little instances of not quiet right :smile:

My scarf join was on cornice I had made, my solution the second time around was straight cut it and it worked perfectly. So my question in general is which should it be? 

Those daddo walls look pretty swish!



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