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How to raise a table leg?

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How to raise a table leg?

One of legs on my table is a bit shorter than the others. What is a simple way to raise it so its equal on all sides? Currently using a bit of styrofoam to keep it level. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to raise a table leg

Hi @achandra100,


If you could post a picture of the leg, our members would have a better idea of what you're working with, allowing them to offer helpful solutions. If you can take a picture of where the leg connects to the underside of the table, that would also be of assistance. Sometimes it's easier to add an extension plate there instead of on the leg tip. Let me know if you need a hand uploading images. Also, could you please take a measurement of the foam you're using and let us know how much the leg needs to be extended? 


I'll be looking forward to your images and offering assistance.




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